Tragedy and Moving

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Emily POV

I have been waiting at the beach house for over an hour waiting for my mother to show I do not know where she could be. I spoke to her over the phone just two hours ago and she said she was leaving the office and would be here in about 45 minutes.

I know traffics bad, but I Just hope she gets her soon she is going to miss the fireworks they will be starting soon.

I walk out on the back porch and look at the waves I love coming to this house it is my home. I remember when my dad left we would stay here because we didn't want to go to the house to see his things gone, At that point we use to rent this house but after the divorce we bought it and stayed here a lot.

Just as the fireworks started, I heard the doorbell ringing. I ran to the door to help my mom with her things she always had her arms full and rang the doorbell. As soon as I opened the door my mouth dropped it was not my mom it was two police officers with a look that told me there were here to give bad news.

I quickly backed up, so I was leaning against the door waving my hand for them to come in. They took of their hats and the taller officer of the two started to talk.

"Excuse me Miss are you Emily Rose?" I looked at the officer who had just spoke and just shook my head.

"I am sorry to be the one to tell you but there has been an accident and your mother was seriously injured." He stopped talking to look at me to see if I was listening and I nodded my head again for him to go on.

"Miss do you have any family member you can call right now to have them come over to be with you" the officer asked I just shook my head no

Officer how is my mom? Where is she can I go see her? I asked

I wanted to go to her and be with her. The officer looked at his partner and shook his head I knew there was more, and they did not want to say it.

"Miss your moms' injuries were to deep and by the time she got to the hospital it was too late." the officer said looking down at his hands.

"Miss your mom passed away this evening, is there anyone you can call and stay with" He asked looking down at my small frame.

I collapsed on the floor and started to cry I could not believe my mom was gone, and she will never meet her grandbaby or see me get married what am I going to do

I picked up myself off the floor and did what my mother has always taught me to do be strong and to never show weakness.

I looked at the officers and thanked them for coming and telling me. They informed me that I needed to go down to the merge to identify my mother's body just for paperwork. I took their card and told them I would be on my way in a few minutes they told me I should not drive but I informed them I had a driver.

They looked at me a little confused so I decided I would introduce myself to them because they had no clue, they just told me that my mother the famous music producer is died.

I put my hand out for them to shake and said, " My name is Emily Rose daughter of Ann Fire the lead Music Producer in New York"

Their faces dropped when they realized that they just told me my mom who so many people knew was dead.

I quickly shook their head and excused myself and walked into the kitchen to grab my person an phone because my mom's work was now mine and at the age of 17 I had a company to run and a baby to raise. Now my life just got complicated.

As I walked back into the living room, I told the officers they may leave and followed them out the door. I do not have time to mourn the loss of my mother I have arrangements to make and meetings to have.

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