Telling the parents

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Adams show was great I could not keep the smile off my face. The whole time he performed he kept his eyes on me. I felt like we were the only two there.

Adams family had showed up while Aaron and I was backstage and saved us space at the front of the stage. Adam and Aarons mom asked if we had meet Adams fiancé yet and we just smiled and said yeah. I wanted to tell her it was me, but it was not the right time yet.

Just when the concert was finishing Adam took the mic, I was not sure what he was going to do but I got nervous.

Adams POV

How is everyone doing tonight? I asked the crowed

The crowd yelled back at me it brought a smile to my face. I looked at my angel standing there with my family and I was the happiest man in the world.

So, the band and I would like to thank all your fans and family for coming out tonight for our last concert on tour. We have had a great night and I would like to make an announcement.

I looked at my angel and she was shaking her head no and looking down, but I just kept on going.

I just found out tonight that I am going to be a dad. I said looking at my angel. she just looked up with a smile on my face.

My mom was shocked, and I could tell that my whole family was excited. I looked at Aaron and he put his arm around my angel making her look up at me.

I just smiled at the crowd and told them good night as I walked off stage and went to my dressing room I knew my family would be here in a minute with a lot of questions so I jumped in the shower real quick so I would be ready for the beach party.

I took about a 5-minute shower and as soon as I stepped out, I could hear my family talking and trying to figure out where my fiancé is and how far along she is and what will be having.

I took a deep breath and walked into the room.

My mom was the first one to see me and wrapped her arms around me telling me how much she missed me and how she was so excited that I was starting a family.

As I was hugging her, I was looking for my angel, I love my mom do not get me wrong, but my angel is my heart now. When my mom let me go my dad, then brothers all gave me hugs telling me that they missed me. As I worked my way around the room, I spotted my angel sitting on the couch with Aaron looking so nervous that it was cute.

I could not hold it in anymore, I had to kiss my angel

I walked to where she was sitting and got down on my knees in front of her so she would not have to stand. I started kissing her and after a minute I pulled back and kissed her stomach I reached up to kiss her again when I heard a throat clear.

OMG, I got so caught up in see my angel I forgot that my family was in the room.

Emily's POV

Adam just walked up to me and started to kiss me and my belly. It was so good being in his arms I forgot where we were for a minute. Adam was just about to kiss me again when I heard a throat clear.

OMG, I forgot about his family and how Aaron is the only one who knows about us.

I looked up to see shock on everyone's face, Adams mom was the first one to snap out of it and start asking questions.

" What is going on here? Adam, Emily how do you know each other and why are you kissing? I thought you both had a fiancé?" Adams mom asked.

I looked at Adam and he helped me stand up, so I was face to face with everybody. I took a deep breath and Adam must have known I was nervous, so he put his arms around me.

I took a deep breath and started talking,

Well, I did not know how to tell you guys, but Adam is my fiancé. We meet when I lived in New York, and we fell in love. Then I told them the whole story.

Once I was finished everyone came up and gave us a hug and was telling us how happy they were for us. I was so relieved that they excepted me and was not mad that I did not tell them right away, but they understood.

After that we decided it was time to go celebrate, and I was happy about that because I was tired of all the secrets and know everyone knows that Adam and I are in engaged and having a baby. Plus, our family's which are already close are just getting closer.

Who would of thought that I would of fell in love with the lead singer of my favorite band, get engaged, find out I was pregnant, lose my mother, gain a music company, move to Florida, and rebuild a relationship with my father all in a year.

I know I did not, but I know that I have family now that will support and help me know matter what and its Forever Love.

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