Staying in

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Emily's POV

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. I could not believe how sweet Adam was and how he would touch me so gently like I would break. I started to stretch when a warm hand tightened on my waist, I rolled over to see Adam looking at me.

I moved closer to him so there was no room between us.

Good Morning, I said leaning in to kiss him.

"Good Morning Sweetheart, how did you sleep?" he asked while kissing my neck

Adam you need to stop, or we are never getting out of this bed. I told him while giggling as he touched me.

"Em... I don't care about going anywhere I just want to keep you in my arms today, before I leave tomorrow for 6 months"

Adam I am going to miss you so much but promise me you will come back for me? I asked with hope in my eyes. I knew we had not talked about it, but I could not help but want to be with him.

"I will be back in six months, then I would like to take you to Florida to meet my family. I know they will love you." He told me while kissing my neck and down to my breast.

Adam I would love to meet your family, would you tell me about them please.

He looked like he was thinking about what to say when he laid back against the headboard bring me to lay on his chest.

Adam POV

Well I have younger brothers and we all live with my parents in a big house on the beach. We love to do beach fires where we sit around and sing. My parents are always overprotective and hard on us. But with six boys who could blame them. I am the oldest, so I must protect them all and keep them in line.

When I started the band, it was just for fun, but my parents have always been into music and told me to go for my dreams. So, they helped me put together a great band of some of my closest friends and plan a tour. I knew I could not stay away from them for long, so we decided on six months.

At the six months we will end in our hometown with one of the biggest crowds. And we will celebrate that with a huge beach party.

As I thought this, I looked down to see Emily staring at me with the sweetest smile on her face. And I knew that I would want her there in six months when the tour ended. So, I decided to ask her.

"Emily would you meet me in Florida in six months for the last concert and the beach party?" I did not know if I were pushing it on her to soon, but I hope she would say yes.

"Adam I would love to meet you in Florida in six months, on one condition." When she said this, I was shocked I was not expecting. What could this condition be.

Emily POV

If he wants me to come to Florida than I must know he is serious about me and there is no one else. I see the photos of the girls that follow, and I will not be played.

"Adam I would love to meet you in Florida in six months, on one condition." I hope he will do it, or I will be very upset.

"OK Em what is it I would do anything for you" he told me with a little bit of nervousness.

Adam if I am going to go to Florida, I want to make sure I am the only girl that you want. Because I would be heartbroken to show up and see you with someone else. I know it is too soon, but I feel like I can trust you and I think I might even be falling for you. I said in a whisper before turning my head so I would not have to look.

I felt him pull me to his chest and start to kiss me.

Adam POV

Once she said that I was shocked she felt the same way I did and to know she wanted a commitment from me I was blown away because I was willing to give it to her.

I pulled her to my chest and started to kiss her and slowly slid my hand up her back turning her around to me.

Emily I will do anything for you and if that is making a commitment to you, so you know that I care I will, and started to kiss her all over. I knew we would be spending all morning in bed than I would take her to the store to give her one commitment I knew would remind her that I was hers.


Emily's POV

After spending all morning in bed, I had to get up to get something to eat and Adam agreed so we got dressed and headed out the door. Right now, we are going to the mall to get lunch from the food court than Adam said he was going to prove to me that he was mine.

When we got to the mall I headed straight for the pizza. I just love pizza and can eat half of one by myself, so we decided to order a whole pizza and had to wait for it to cook. As we sat down Adam said he was going to run to a store, and I had to wait for the pizza because it was a surprise.

I was not sure what to think but I knew he wanted to prove himself to me so I would not worry for the next six months so I let him go.

I started to play with my phone and got lost in my own thoughts. I knew I was going to miss Adam and did not want him to go but he had to than we would start our life together, I hope.

I heard my name being called and realized the pizza was done. I walked up to the counter and Thanked the man than took the pizza back to the table. I was just sitting down when Adam came back with a huge grin on his face.

Adam POV

I knew it was a big step and she wanted a commitment and the one I knew that I wanted was to put a ring on her finger and that is exactly what I went to the store and bought while she was waiting on the pizza. I hope she likes it and says yes because I do not want to lose her now that I found her.

We ate the pizza quietly and just shared a few smiles and kisses. I could not get enough of her.

Once we were done eating, I took her hand and led her out of the mall. We walked about two blocks when I saw a sign for Tattoo's I always wanted one but never knew what to get but now I did.

I came to a stop in front of the door and started to walk in when Emily pulled my hand back.

"Adam what are we doing here?" she asked shocked

Well I have always wanted to get one, but I never knew what I wanted until I meet you and now, I know what I want and where.

Her head just shook. "Are you sure Adam because this is not what I meant about commitment"

I know that but you are my angel and I want to have a part of you with me always. And with that we walked in and I got her name Tattooed above my heart.

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