Having fun before we say goodbye

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Adam POV

As soon as Emily left the room her mother turned to me with an aggravated look on her face. I just sat there waiting for her to say something.

"Ok Adam I am going to get straight to the point, my ex-husband, Emily's father was a musician and he broke my heart and I do not want the same thing for Emily."

I was going to say I would never hurt her when she continued, "Adam I want you to stay away from my daughter because she is going to take over for me and I don't want you to affect her future."

I looked her in the face and told her what I wanted to, " I will never hurt Emily I know it's too soon but I feel like I already love her, and I am sorry but I will not leave her alone until she tells me to."

With that I get up and walk out the front door. I did not care about the record deal because Emily is my future and if she is with me, I do not care what happens.

When I walked out the door, I saw my angel leaning against my car. I walked over to her and took her into my arms giving her small kisses up her neck until I reached her lips where I lingered just to taste her.

I pulled back and looked into her eyes and motioned towards the car, "Let's get out of here."

with that said she walked around the car and got in.

Just as we were pulling out of the driveway her front door opened and out came her mother yelling.

Emily POV

When Adam walked out my front door, I knew the meeting did not go well, but he walked up to me and started kissing me up my neck and I was gone.

So, when he said let us get out of here, I did not question him I walked around and got in.

I saw my mom as we were leaving yelling on the front porch for us to stop but we did not, and I was thanking full I just wanted to be alone with Adam

"Are you ok" I asked reaching for his hand.

Adam took my hand gently into his and just took a deep breath.

Adam POV

"Are you ok" Emily asked me. I was not sure I needed to tell her what her mom said to see if she really wanted to be with me.

I took a deep breath and started to tell her.

Emily your mom told me to stay away from you and I did not take it very well

"What do you mean" she asked looking confused with a cute look on her face.

This may surprise you, but I told her that I cared for you and I would not stay away from you unless you told me too.

"Oh" that is all she said.

Emily POV

I cannot believe my mother would say that to him. I am finally happy, and she wants to ruin it well she has something else coming because since Adam stood up to my mother, I think I might be falling for him even more.

So, Adam where are we going? I asked curious on where he would take me

"I don't know I just started driving." he told me

Well are you staying alone at your hotel or do you have a roommate? I asked getting nervous I do not know where that came from.

"I have a room by myself, why do you ask?" he was staring at me funny

Why don't we go there and talk? We can order food to the room so we can watch a movie and get to know each other better. I asked

Adam looked at me with a surprised look on his face, but it changed to lust quickly.

I knew I was sharing the same look because I knew we had a short time together and I wanted to spend it alone with him getting to know everything about him.

Adam POV

Once we got to my place, I saw Emily looking around at the few items that I travel with. I was hoping she would stay with me tonight so we could spend all the time I have left with her.

I leave in two days and then it will be about six months before I see her again.

I pulled Emily to me and gave her a slow soft kiss on the lips waiting for her to respond.

When Emily responded I walked her over to the bed and gently laid her down. I slowly started exploring her body and I was going to take my time to remember every inch of her until I saw her again.

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