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Emily POV

It has been about a month since I said goodbye to Adam, and I miss him so much.

For the past few days, I feel like I am coming down with the flu I have been getting sick and cannot keep anything down.

As I lean my head against the toilet for fourth morning in a row I start to think about the date July 4th is tomorrow and I am going to go to the beach to watch the fireworks with my mom,

Even though my mom and I have not been close since she found out about Adam and me, she is still my mom and I will always love her.

So, for now she acts like its old times, so me and her will be meeting at the beach to do our favorite July 4th ritual of eating too much food and walking along the beach bare footed.

I decided that I need to start packing my back for the trip because we always stay the night. As I reach under the sink, I notice a pack of tampons.

When did I buy thoughts, I have not had my period since.................OMG I cannot be? When was my last OOOOOOOOO it was in May that means I missed June, that is right I had it the week before the concert?

OMG Adam did we.... I cannot remember but he is the only guy I have ever been with.

Okay Emily don't freak I told myself as I got up through on some clean clothes and walking to the front door, I need to get a test before I freak out it could be nothing but stress.

Twenty minutes later I return home with a bag full of test I did not want to get just one, so I grabbed three different test boxes, so I had six test totals. I walked into the bathroom to face my future.

After three minutes I would know if I was pregnant or not.... Time seemed to stop when the timer went off, I walked over to the counter were the test were and looked at the results







All the test said I was pregnant I could not believe it I was going to be a mommy

Adam POV

Saying bye to my angel was one of the hardest things I think I have ever had to do. Watching her walk away was so hard it took everything in me to not run to her and keep her in my arms.

The guys were shocked and have not stopped bugging me for details about Emily they can see that I am in love with her so they don't ask me to go party with the groupies because they know that I am serious with Emily and they are happy for me.

It's been a month since I have seen Emily and I miss her like crazy tonight our concert is live and I am going to tell the world that I have a fiancé and that I am off the market. Only five more months until I see my angel again in Florida.

Emily POV

Tonight, Adams concert is on TV, so I get to see him. There is talk that he is going to make an announcement and I am so nervous. What is he going to say I do not care because I know he is mine and I love him so much? As I watch his show its about to be the end when he takes the mic and says this is for my angel.

My heart stopped what is he doing.

"Em I love you and this song is for you my beautiful fiancé." Adam says and winks to the camera.

He knew I would be watching, and he announced to the world that he was taken I just feel in love with him all over again.

Adam POV

I could not keep the smile off my face when I song her song and announced to the world I was taken. But as soon as I walked off the stage my phone started ringing and as soon as I saw the name my face fell.

"Hi Mom," I pulled the phone from my ear quickly because she was yelling, and I could not understand.

"Mom, I don't understand but yes I do have a fiancé and yes you will get to meet her when I get home she will be at the concert and no she is not on tour with me " I said in one long breath before she started again on her rant,

"Mom I meet her in New York and fell in love she is staying in New York than flying to Florida in five months to meet all." That calmed her down a bit.

"Okay mom I love you I will talk to you later" I hung up and thought that did not go as bad as I thought.

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