Planning the Party

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Emily POV

I wake up and look out the window and see the beautiful view of the beach. I reach for my phone and dial my lovely fiancé because I know if I do not, he will be calling any minute wondering what I am doing.

The phone rings two times before I hear his voice. "Hey sweetheart, did you sleep in today?"

Hey baby, yeah, I am a little tired, so I stayed in bed a little longer. How have you been? I asked while rubbing my stomach. It has been a week since I first called Adam and we talk daily. I really want to tell him about the baby, but it must be in person.

Today is the day I get to find out the sex of the baby. I realize I am so nervous I really want a girl, but I know if Adam knew about the baby, he would want a boy, so he could grow up to be just like him.

I talk to Adam for about ten minutes before I look at the clock its 10:00am, oh no I must get up and get dressed before Adams mom shows up. I was just listening to Adam tell me how much he misses me and cannot wait only four more week.

Okay Baby I really need to get up and get dressed, I tell Adam interrupting his rant about his music and the band.

I can hear him take a deep sigh, "Okay, sweetheart I will call you tonight have a great day. I love you"

I love you, too. Have fun with the band, today. I tell him right before I hang up.

Now looking at the clock I realize it took me 30 minutes to say bye to Adam and I need to leave for the doctors in 10 minutes. I quickly run a brush threw my hair and brush my teeth, then I head to my closet to find my yoga pants and a cute pink top my stepmom and Amy had bought me.

I was just putting on my shoes when the doorbell rang telling me Amy was here. I quickly hurried up and walked down the stairs. Yep standing at the bottom of the stairs talking to Jennifer was Amy and Aaron.

Aaron huh!!! What is he doing here? I did not understand he knew I was going to the doctor so why was he here. As I stopped Infront of him he looked up noticing me for the first time.

Hi Emily! I decided to come along if you do not mind so we can have lunch and plan my brothers party afterwards. Do not worry I will stay in the car while you are in your appointment. He said in a rush looking at his shoes.

I reached out and lifted his chin, so he was looking at me. Aaron that is fine you are more than welcome to come with us and wait in the lobby not the car.

He just smiled. Good, because I really did not want to wait in the car by myself.

This made us all start to laugh.

Okay guys are we ready? I asked while walking to the door holding Aarons hand. Everyone just nodded their heads and we were on our way.


(Doctor's Office- hour later)

IT'S A BOY!!!!! The doctor said.

I could not believe it I was going to have a baby boy I hope he looks like his daddy.

I turned to look at Jennifer and Amy and they were just smiling and crying while staring at the monitor that still had the picture of the baby on it.

I was so excited I could not believe I was having a baby I really hope Adam is happy.

I walked out to the lobby with my pictures in my hand and could not stop smiling. I walked up to Aaron and showed him the picture he looked at it for a few minutes than read the words on the picture.

It is a boy! He jumped up spinning me around.

He was so excited he made me miss Adam and I realized that if Adam were here, he would be doing the same thing, but I know not telling Adam is the best thing right now. Because he needs to finish his tour than in four weeks, we will plan our future. I am just happy that I get to spend it with his family.

After all the celebrations in the doctor's office we decided to head into town to have lunch and finalize all the party planning such as food and who would be responsible for getting Adam to the bonfire.

As planning continued, I realized I would be showing up with Adam and everyone was going to get a shock of their lives when they realized that the two families are about to come together.

While Jennifer and Amy discussed food, Aaron and I discussed music. He wanted his band to be able to play but did not have the right set up, so he did not know how to make it work. So, I decided it was time to tell Aaron who I was and let him brough some equipment for the party.

I reached out for Aarons hand to get his attention. And he stopped eating and looked at me.

Um Aaron there is something I need to tell you? I said taking a deep breath.

I can help you get the equipment for the party, but you must keep it a secret. I said while looking down at my plate.

He squeezed my hand. What is it Em? You can tell me anything. I realized then that I was going to tell him all my secrets I hope he can keep them to himself and not tell Adam.

Okay, but not here would you like to go for a walk in the park and then we can meet them back here in 30 minutes to get a ride back? I asked hoping he would agree.

Sure, Mom - Jennifer, Em and I are going to go for a walk to the park can we meet you guys back here in like 30 minutes to get a ride home. Aaron asked looking at our parents.

"Sure" Jennifer and Amy said at the same time. Amy continued," yeah we will meet you out front in 30 minutes, have fun kids." she said while waving

I took a deep breath it was now time to tell my secrets because I am afraid if I keep them to myself I might loss Aaron in the end and no matter what he has become my best friend and I don't want to lose him.

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