Spending time together

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Emily POV

Looking at my mom I felt my cheeks turning red.

My mom had a look that could kill, I really hope I did not ruin Adams chance for a record deal.

"So, would you two likes to explain what's going on?" my mom asked.

I looked at Adam hoping I was not wrong. I cleared my throat and decided to answer her.

Mom, Adam, and I have been talking and we have decided to be together. I know you might not accept it, but I want you to know I care a lot about him, and I am willing to wait until his tour is over to be with him.

I looked up at Adam and he was looking back at me with all the love he could give, and I knew I had made the right decision.

Adam POV:

When I looked at Emily's mom, I knew she was pissed, and I got worried that Emily would reject me.

So, when her mom asked, "So would you two likes to explain what's going on?"

I froze because I wanted to tell her Emily was mine and I loved her, but I was not sure if Emily felt the same way.

When Emily finally spoke, I was surprised at what I heard, "Mom, Adam and I have been talking and we have decided to be together. I know you might not accept it, but I want you to know I care a lot about him and I am willing to wait until his tour is over to be with him."

She just proved the reason why I love her. I smiled at her and I knew we would be together after my tour.

I leaned forward and took her hand letting her know I was here for her.

Emily's mom looked at her and said, "We will talk about this later," and walked into the living room leaving us to follow.

Emily's POV

As we walked into the living room holding hands, I realized my mom went into professional mood not mother mood anymore which means she would not hold this against him, but I will hear about it later.

As Adam and I sat down my mother looked at our hands and looked at us in the face realizing we meant what we said we would stay together.

Taking a deep breath, I decided to start the conversation.

"So, Mom what is this meeting about with Adam" I ask knowing I probably will not get an answer.

Which when my mother looked at me, I was shocked at what she said.

"Emily this is none of your business, I understand that Adam is a friend of yours, but this is business so please leave the room." I looked at her in shook and stood up squeezing Adams hand one more time before walking out of the room and going upstairs to grab my purse because when Adam is done I am going to leave with him and deal with my mother tomorrow.

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