"What do you mean the real you?"

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Emily POV

I waited for his response and he looked like he was thinking about what to tell me. I was not sure what I was feeling but I hoped he would not lie to me. I just could not take it if I started to fall for him and everything turned out to be a lie. I know I just met him but there is something about him that I just cannot get enough of. I was looking down at my feet nervous about what would happen next.

"Well, I am just visiting New York, me and my friends just got here last night, and I was just out walking around when I wondered in here and bumped into you." He told me with a smirk on his face.

"Oh, really are you visiting family or with your girlfriend?" I asked wanting to know if he were available because it would suck if he was taken.

"Nah, I am here with my band we are playing tonight and staying a week to see the sights than we are going to Chicago." He said with a laugh but that still did not answer my question all the way. So, I continued with my questions.

"So, do you miss your girlfriend and your family when you are away from home?" I asked hoping he would catch on and tell me if he had one or not because if he did, I would turn around right now and forget about him.

Adam POV

"So, do you miss your girlfriend and your family when you are away from home?" she asked me I cannot believe I did not realize it the first time she asked. She wanted to know if I had a girlfriend, which means she must be interested but I wonder if she knows who I really am.

"No, I don't have a girlfriend; I haven't found anyone that is interested in the real me." I told her with a small grin on my face.

I hope this girl does not know who I am. I dress different now than I do on stage. I just want to find someone who will care about me and not my music. Yeah, my music comes from my heart. But girls just like the fame and not how I feel or a real relationship. I am twenty; I am looking for someone to make a family with.

Emily POV

Thank Goodness, he does not have a girlfriend. Now I can take a deep breath because I did not want to let him go. Every time I look into his blue eyes I melt. I started thinking, what he means by the real him.

"What do you mean the real you?" I asked giving him a curious look.

"Are you telling me, you don't know who I am?" He asked with a shock expression on his face.

"No, should I?" I asked him curious to whom he is. I would think I would know his face if he was famous or something.

"Well, have you ever heard of the band waterfall?" he asked me this and my mouth must have hit the floor. I quickly composed myself and looked back at him. I stepped back and really looked at him. And I realized he did look like the singer from waterfall, but there is no way that it could be him. The singer of waterfall is made out to be a bad boy getting into trouble all the time and this guy is too nice and sweet.

I have always liked their music, but I never liked the reputation that they had for getting into trouble. I realized he was waiting for a response, so I quickly shook my head.

"Yeah, I have heard of them, actually that is what I am doing here, I was looking for an outfit to wear tonight for the concert I have backstage passes to meet the band." I told him with a smirk, because I did not believe he was a part of that band because he was too sweet.

"Well, I am Adam the lead singer for the band." He told me looking to see how I would react. He stared at me like I was crazy because I was not jumping up and down falling at his feet. I am not that type of girl plus he could be lying, and I would not fall for that lie.

"Yeah, okay sure. If you are the lead singer, then why are you here by yourself and without guards?" I was wondering what he would say. He did look like the lead, but you never can trust anyone.

"If you come tonight, I will prove to you that I am not lying about who I am." He told me looking me up and down.

"Okay, I will come because I have been planning this for months, so if you are who you say you are than I will see you tonight." I quickly looked down at my watch wondering what time it was. When I noticed the time, it was 4:00pm I only had three hours before the concert, and I needed to get home to get dressed than meet the limo.

I smiled up at him quick and did something I never would have done before. I leaned on my tip toes and placed my lips to his. I was hoping that he would be my prince charming because he made me feel alive just by talking to me like I am a normal teen and not the daughter of a famous music executive.

I broke the kiss and whispered into his ear. I hope to see you tonight. And before he could respond I quickly turned walked to the counter told the sells person to charge the card on file and quickly exited the mall running to my red sport car and speeding away.

I cannot wait for tonight; I get to meet my favorite band and I hope Adam is there because I think I am falling for the boy I meet today and not the singer of waterfall.

Adam POV

I cannot believe she just kissed me. I did not even know what was happening and by the time it registered that she was kissing me she pulled away and whispered in my ear, "I hope to see you tonight."

Before I could say anything, she walked away telling the sells lady to charge the card on file and walked out of the door like she owned the place. I was not sure who she was, but I hope I see her again because I am falling for this girl and I do not even know her last name.

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