Secrets are out

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As we walked to the park, I kept thinking how I am going to tell Aaron than I realized I should start at the beginning.

As we approached the swings, I just hoped this would not be my last conversation with Aaron.

Aaron POV

I am so excited for Emily she is having a boy I know the father is going to be so excited I wonder when we are going to meet him. She said he was on tour, but I wonder when he will be back or if he is going to stay in New York where Emily is from.

I kept thinking about this during lunch and was brought out of my thoughts when Emily grabbed my hand.

I do not know what it is, but I feel so comfortable around her and I wish she were not engaged because she would be perfect for my brother Adam. I cannot wait for them to meet I know they will get along I just hope his fiancé does not get jealous and if she does, she can hit the road because after today Emily is family.

My mom was so excited to be going to the doctor's appointment with her that is all she talked about all week long. I know my mom wants to be a grandma so bad she keeps harping on Adam to give her a grandbaby.

Anyways she said she will spoil Emily's baby like he is her own grandbaby.

Well Emily said she wanted to tell me something and asked to go for a walk I have a feeling she did not want my mom or Jennifer to hear so I agreed. As we walked to the swings, I do not think I was prepared for what she had to tell me.


Emily's POV

As I sat on the swing facing Aaron, I knew that it was now or never, so I took a big breath and started my story

Aaron, I need to tell you a few things about me. Well the reason I moved here was because my mother was killed in a car accident her name was Ann Fire and she was the lead Music Producer in New York. I said while taking a second to let it sink in.

When he did not respond I continued, when she died the company was given to me and since I am not 18 yet I must live with my dad before I can be on my own. So now I am a music producer in charge of a whole company in New York and I have been working out of my dad's basement which I have turned into a recording studio to help me with my company. So, if you would like you can come over and we can record your album and you can use my equipment for the bonfire to play if you would like.

I looked down at my hands waiting for Aaron to say something. When I had enough of the silence, I looked up at Aaron to see he was staring at me with a shock expression on his face.

Please say something Aaron. Your scaring me. I can't loss you are my best friend... I am sorry I did not tell you I just wanted to separate myself from my old life. Before I knew it, I was crying, and I could not stop.

I was only crying for a few minutes before I felt arms around me, and I heard him say smoothing words into my hair. as he pulled me into his chest. I slowly stopped crying and looked up into Aaron's eyes he looked back at me

"Em you are my best friend, yes I am shocked because you are so important in the music work but you are still my best friend I couldn't hate you for keeping that to yourself you have so much going on already. Em I will be here for you no matter what." Aaron told me while rocking me back and forth.

I realized now I had to tell the big secret because I could not keep it from him any longer.

Aaron I need to tell you something else, I know this is going to shock you but if I am right you have a right to know and I hope you will keep this just between us for now. I said while looking up into Aarons eyes

Aaron just shook his head nodding for me to go on.

I took a deep breath, Aaron you said your brother is on tour, right?

"Yeah what does Adam have to do with anything? I don't understand what you're getting at." Aaron said with a confused look on his face.

Aaron where did Adams first stop on his tour? I asked waiting for him to respond.

"New York, they wanted to sight see so they stayed there for a week before they kicked off their tour around the US. Why do you ask?" Aaron said still confused.

What is the name of your brothers' band? I asked before I told him anymore information.

"Waterfall, why all the questions about Adam Em I don't understand" Aaron said with a confused look on his face.

Yep, he was Adams brother alright. So, I took a deep breath and told him what I wanted to tell him all along

Because I lived in New York and your brother met my mother and I at his concert before she died. My mother was going to sign your brother, but they had a disagreement and Adam turned the record deal down.

After saying this Aaron looked at me confused. "Em you have to explain why my brother would turn down such a big record deal. I mean that is why they went on tour to get noticed and he really wanted to make something of himself."

When Aaron said that I felt so bad, but I knew now I could make that dream happen if he let me.

Aaron promise me you will not tell anyone what I am about to tell you specially Adam because he does not know.

With a puzzled look Aaron shook his head, "Sure Em I won't tell him anything or anyone else. I promise."

Okay thank you so much Aaron, Okay so I do not know how to say this but ....... Ummmm....... You are Going to Be an Uncle.

"WHAT..................What are you talking about Em, how am I going to be an Uncle, none of my brothers are serious about anyone except Adam and we haven't met his "angel" as he calls her. So, who in my family is having a baby to make me an Uncle."? He yelled while trying to think about who could be having a kid.

Aaron look at me, where did Adam meet his fiancé?

"New York"

How long did they stay in New York?

"A week"

Did he ever tell you where he meets her?

"Yea, Why?"

Because I know the story, he met her at the mall when he was trying to escape the press and he ducked into a store called "Gator" where he bumped into her. And before she left, she kissed him. Then they met that night at the concert and was together for a week than got engaged the night before he left. Am I correct?

"Yeah, how did you kn....ooooooooooooooooooooooo myyyyyyyy gosh, your Adams fiancé that means that you're having Adams baby and I am going to be an Uncle." He said while picking me up spinning me around laughing.

Yes, Aaron you are but you cannot say anything Adam does not know, and I want to tell him in person will you keep this to yourself for a few more weeks

"Sure Em, but on one condition." What is it Aaron? "You let me take you shopping for my nephew"

Okay deal, I guess we should head back now.

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