The deep end

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A/N: I'm going to start doing some POV's in this chapter. I'm thinking of doing a few more chapters of this book and then maybe doing a sequel? What do guys think?

James's POV:
As she walked away then it's like my happiness went with her. She was right, it was wrong of me to keep this big secret cooped up. But I didn't think it would be any harm. How wrong I was. I cradled the necklace in my hands. That had cost me quite a bit out of my little amount of money. Y/N was just visible in the distance... She was getting soaked by the rain and the wind was blowing her H/C hair in all directions. Tears ran down my cheeks as she disappeared. I felt so bad. My knees gave way and I collapsed to the floor, my trousers getting soaked. I just didn't care, though. I clenched the fist with the necklace in it to keep it from getting wet. I sobbed harder and harder until I found it hard to breath I was crying so much. My childhood friend was mad at me and it was totally my fault. I remembered the look of abandonment in her E/C eyes as she realized what everyone had done. I compared this to the happy, optimistic Y/N that I knew and realised just how upset I had made her. I tried to stop crying a bit and wiped my eyes. I wasn't going to cry one more tear because of her. I stood up with wobbly legs and brushed my lavender hair out of my face. And with a deep breath I turned and walked in the opposite direction, back to the forest that Jessie and Meowth were.

Y/N's POV:
As you walked away you wondered if you had been too hard on him. You kind of shouted at him, and his face after... You shook your head and carried on walking. It was all behind you now. Quite literally.

As you got in, you found that the house was empty. Everyone was at school. Sometimes you wish that you went to that school, although if you did then you probably wouldn't be able to do half the things that you were able to do now. Anyway, you were perfectly educated. The house was really messy, and you weren't even in Ash's room. He seemed to have migrated his stuff to all over the house, and as you went upstairs then you even found some of his stuff in you and Emily's room. It felt cramp and stuffy. Eventually you got to bored of it then you gradually started to put things away and tidy up. It was also a good distraction from... James. You stopped for a moment as you accidentally reminded yourself of him. But then you shrugged your shoulders and carried on.

As you were going through a drawer full to the brim of your stuff, your hand brushed past something cold. You were scared that it was something dead, but then you brushed apart various bits of clothing to find a pair of handcuffs. You picked them up and cradled them in your arms. You remembered Joey's words... "And Y/N, catch something more than Pokémon, ok?" Then you remembered what you said. That you'd catch the first criminal you saw. "James..." You whispered. You closed the drawer again and thought things over. He's a criminal. The police would be very glad for a member of Team Rocket. You couldn't let this opportunity pass. But... He was also your friend. Your crush. There, you said it. Your crush. But what has to be done... Has to be done. You quickly changed into your F/C dress and started to write a plan.

James's POV:
I arrived back at the small cave we were camping in in the same state that I left, if a bit wet. Scared for the future, and a bit tired. "You look terrible!" Meowth remarked as I walked into the cave and sat down. I huffed and nodded. "What happened?" Jessie asked, looking at my depressed face. "Not much." I said, putting on a fake smile. She sat in front of me to study my face. "What really happened, James?" She asked. "What do you mean what really happened? I just told you! Not much!" I turned to look at the rain pouring down onto the ground outside the cave. "Don't try to lie. I know when something's wrong. Look at me." I looked at her, scared to find out what would happen to me if I didn't. "What is it?" She asked. Her blue eyes were entirely focused on me, a look of worry on her usually perfect face. "Oh, Jessie!" I said, my eyes suddenly glassy. "It's terrible!" I said, her eyes widened slightly. She had rarely seen me like this. "Pull yourself together James. What happened?" She said, shaking my shoulders in a hope that I'd calm down.

"I gave her the necklace, just like I said. I left it at her door." I said. She waited for me to carry on. "And then I waited on the corner where her road ended, waiting for the Professor and the twerp to go to the Pokémon school. But before that happened then Y/N came out of the house in a huff. She didn't notice me at all, so I decided to follow her. She ducked into the green haired twerps' restaurant to wait out the rain. I watched her for a while before coming into it. She noticed me and I asked her if she wanted to go for a walk." I stopped and wiped my eyes. "A walk. How romantic." Meowth said sarcastically. He had decided to tune into the conversation and his brown ears were listening closely to our every word. I gave him a look that hopefully told him that now was not the time, and carried on. "I told her... I told her that I'm in Team Rocket." Jessie and Meowth gasped. That wasn't in the plan. "That was dangerous. She could have - and maybe has - told everyone!" Jessie said, trying to keep calm but failing to do so. "I trust her with it. She won't tell." "She'd better not, or we're all in for it." Meowth said. "Anyway, she realized that her friends had been lying to her all this time. She didn't quite know what to do with herself, I think she felt all a bit abandoned. I told her that no matter what happened then I would always be here for her, and she seemed satisfied with that." "Well that still doesn't explain why you're such a mess." Jessie said, gesturing to my shirt. "I'm just getting to that bit. However, she was no longer satisfied with me being there for her because she then put two and two together and worked out that I had been lying to her too. And for some reason I thought that was ok. She... She took off the necklace I gave her and put it in my hand." I opened my fist to reveal it. I was tearing up again now. "A-and she walked away..." I finished.

"Hey, how many times have you had a failed love attempt?" Meowth asked. "Um..." I counted them on my fingers. "Five." I said. "And who is included in that five?" He asked. I had no idea how this was supposed to make me feel better but I played along. "Jessebelle," I shivered at the name. "That ghost woman at Maidens' peak," It made me sad to remember that she was never even real. "That random one that I seem to have forgotten the name of with the pretty dress," I smiled at the sight of her. She was so pretty. She was probably married by now, a girl of her beauty. "Um... Jessie." I said, turning red. "And Y/N..." I wiped my eyes again. "And through four of them, I've never seen you cry like this. You were saddest about Y/N, which means that you must really care about her." I looked out to the rain crashing down outside. "Yeah..." I said. Meowth was right. "Then you should go out there and get that twer - girl!" He said, putting a fist in the air. "Yeah!" I said. "Gon on then!" "Um... Tomorrow." I led down and did a fake yawn. "Oh for the love of Arceus, James. Do you love this girl or not?"
"Yes but I'm also tired."
"It's nowhere near night!"
"So? I'm still tired!"
"Fine..." I stood up and began to make my way to the outside again. "Wait. I gotta change first." I said, before going over to a corner. Jessie was watching the whole conversation with amusement, but immediately turned away when I mentioned getting dressed. I changed into a green Polo shirt and some blue shorts. It wasn't much, but it was all I had that wasn't wet, dirty or a Moltres costume. "I'm ready." I said, before walking out clutching the necklace again. "Go get 'em James!" Meowth shouted, and Jessie smiled.

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