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If anyone was to walk into the Jedi Temple at this very moment, the first things that others would notice, was that it had gone completely silent.

Then, they would notice that no one was around, because they were most likely in their rooms, or going out on business into the city.

But three Jedi, and two of their young padawans still remained inside. These were always the five who all stayed.

One of them, a padawan by the name of Obi-Wan Kenobi, known mostly, as just simply, Ben or Obi Wan, wields a blue lightsaber.

It is signaling very much so, a very strong connection to the Force, but in a much more physical way.

One of the Masters, Master Windu, uses a purple lightsaber, the color of which sings of a man.

He who does not trust anyone, and who also could be trusted to use the Light side of the Force. But just as well for him, he could also put to use, some of the many Dark Side abilities, but only if absolutely necessary.

The other two Masters, Master Yoda, and Master Qui-Gon Jinn, both put well to use, their green lightsabers.

Signaling to others that their connections to the Force are more intuned mentally, and therefore, that they prefer certain techniques with the Force, to others.

The last padawan, who complies to all of those rules with her Master Jinn, she unlike so many others before her, has chosen to wield a double-sided saber.

It is green like her Master's, again, signaling a strong, mentally strong, connection to the Force.

She is a very much strong willed child, and will do anything for the people she loves.

Even if it... that means that she charges directly into the path of danger to do so, and that is the essence of our young Skywalker.

So here, our story begins...

{Silver's POV}

I was brought here to the Jedi temple when I was only 5 years old, and only a year after I was brought here, I was to begin my training.

I found myself, holding a deadly weapon, a lightsaber of the purest blue, like icy water, but softer.

A hum of the Kyber Crystal inside gave her chills, but it was chills of joy, rather then fear of holding a deadly weapon, as I should have felt.

Even after years of all of those classes as a youngling, training under Master Yoda, it still to me...

Using a... or the single lightsaber to fight, still felt just, all wrong to me. I knew it would be a day or two, until my final fight as a youngling.

Which was until the day where I would be known as a padawan, no longer a youngling, but a true Jedi apprentice.

I sighed, as I walked towards the quarters of Grand Master Yoda, and I went to knock on the door, but I found it open as always.

I walked into the room, and found Master Yoda in the corner of the room and I wanted to smile, but I didn't.

"Grand Master. Could I speak to you?" I asked hesitantly, my voice quiet, and shaking only slightly as I spoke.

"Here you are. Skywalker here you are, speak you must." Master Yoda said to me, and I looked at him.

"Master Yoda, before my graduation ceremony into the Padawans, would I be able to create my own lightsaber?"

I asked him quietly, and he sighed, and hit the ground with his stick, and I moved back to avoid getting hit.

"I see, create it you must. Find crystal as well, you must. Model of many hilts you must study. Yes." Yoda said, and I looked at him.

"Master, I have a chosen hilt already in mind. If you could just approve of it for me."

I said, knowing that this very well could be the worst idea of coming to him in my entire lifetime at the Jedi Temple.

"Yes?" Yoda said, gesturing with his stick for me to continue to speak, as he looked at me.

"I was hoping that maybe, I could make a double-bladed green one? I know it is a lot to ask, but the single does not work for me."

I said quietly, and he looked at me, and rubbed his head. "Think on this I must young Skywalker."

Master Yoda said, and I bowed quickly to him, before walking quickly out of the room, and quite naturally walking straight into someone else.

I pin-wheeled backwards, and quickly fell on my backside, which was rather embarrassing. "I truly am sorry."

A voice said, and I looked up.

"You're a padawan." I said and he looked down at me. "You are a young girl." He said, and I looked at him.

"I am a youngling. Days away from my final assessment. How dare you say all I am is a young girl?"

I snapped at him, and he backed up at my tone of voice. "Truly my apologies, young one." He said, and I stood up.

"Who is your Master then?"

I asked, as I watched him carefully, not ready for trusting anyone yet who quite literally ran into her.

"Master Qui-Gon Jinn." He said, and I looked at him. "You're Obi-wan. Don't ask me how I know that."

I said, and he looked at me. "A lot of younglings must talk about me, as if I am some sort of hero."

He said, and I looked at him.

"No. They... We talk about your Master. Who his Master was, and what happened to him." I said, narrowing my eyes at you.

"He went over to the side of the destructive and merciless Sith. We know of you, because of who he is, and who is master was."

I said, and he looked at me. "Is this all of which you spend your time doing?" He asked, and I looked at him.

"He is a legend to us. As is Grand Master Yoda. As is Master Windu, although he can be very terrifying."

I said, my voice now having a clearly sharp edge to it, and he looked at me, and nodded.

"Good luck to you on all of your final assessments." He said, as Qui-Gon Jinn came striding down the corridor, and he stopped and looked at me.

I felt like my jaws had been glued together, and I just backed up. "Hello young one. What is your name?"

He asked, and Obi-Wan glanced at me.

"Oh yes, I told you my name, but I never got yours in return." He said, and I looked at both of them, but I directed my answer to Qui-Gon Jinn.

"Silver Skywalker." I said, and he looked at me. "You are strong, with the Force young one. I sense it, very deeply within you. Like none other."

He said, and I looked at him, and I smiled only slightly. "Thank you, truly I thank you Master Jinn."

I said, and I bowed to him, and Obi-Wan, who nodded to me, before I ran back to my quarters.

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