The Race, The Parts, and Anakin

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{Silver's POV}

Even if I could not be there for the actual race itself, I was still listening over the communicator and I felt a quick flash of pain.

"May the Force be with you."

I heard Qui-Gon say quickly before he walked away, to stand with C3PO, and the others who were supporting him.

"Is he nervous?" My mother asked. "I am certain he's fine Mom." I said from my end, where I was eating an apple.

"He's fine." Qui-Gon said. "You Jedi, are far too reckless. The Queen would not approve of this." Padmé said.

"The Queen trusts our judgment Padmé. You should as well." I said from my end.

But in doing so, also accidentally cutting off my master's sentence. "My apologies Master." I said.

"You are correct Skywalker. The Queen trusts us all. The Jedi, you should as well Padmé."

Qui-Gon said to the handmaiden of the Queen. "You assume too much." I heard her mutter, before they took their places in the stands.

I heard the gong go, and I listened to the communicator. "Go Ani!" I heard Jar Jar Binks say, and I stood up, and winced, switching channels quickly.

"Are you alright?"

Obi-Wan asked, and I looked at the communicator. "There is less pain, but I can still now feel a presence."

"As if... it is just nearby now. Right next to me, and I hate it." I said, and looked at my free hand, which shook with fear.

But just of what, I did not know.

I switched channels again, back to the Pod Race, and was just in time to hear that now my newfound little brother, was spinning out of control.

He had managed to reattach the cable quite swiftly, and it was now only him against the final competitor, who had been the champion for months.

I heard that Anakin was winning and I was smiling at the thought of him as I imagined myself doing it, and failing at it, whereas he would do it.

"Come on Ani." I whispered into the communicator and it sounded like the Pods were neck and neck.

"Come on Anakin!" I said, and suddenly our supporters screamed with amazement. "He won!"

My mother screamed. "Yeah! Go Anakin!" I shouted, and smiled at the thought of him celebrating.

I was back now at the ship with Obi-Wan, and I smiled at him, and he hugged me.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, and I smiled at him. "You alright now?" He asked, and I smiled. "A lot better."

I said, and he looked at me.

"Good. Because I need another set of experienced hands to now help with the Hyperdrive. Are you up for it?"

He asked, and I looked at him. "Are you joking?" I asked, and he smiled at me, as we walked onto the ship.

I followed him to the Hyperdrive, and we both started on the Hyperdrive, as I was working, I staggered hard.

"Silver!" Obi-Wan said, and I shut my eyes sharply, and I ran out quickly as I saw a... something, standing there.

"Silver wait!"

Obi-Wan said, but I was already pulling out my single lightsaber, and leaped out, charging at the weird lightsaber wielding person.

I leaped at the person, and it was going between Qui-Gon and I as we fought and I was ready to use my staff, until the ship had come in.

I leaped up with Qui-Gon, and I landed on the ground hard, wheezing and Qui-Gon was soaked in sweat.

"Are you alright?" Obi-Wan asked, as him and Anakin ran in with the other guards.

I was wheezing, trying to get my breath back, and Qui-Gon looked at me, and he shook his head.

"It had a saber staff. A hilt like yours."

Qui-Gon said, and I nodded at him. "It was what I was afraid of." I said, and I saw Anakin's concerned look.

"What are we going to do about it?"

He asked, and I looked at him, and so did Qui-Gon, and we both looked at us and then at him.

"We should be patient. Anakin Skywalker, this is Obi-Wan Kenobi, my Senior Padawan." Qui-Gon said.

"You mean that he is the other one? A Jedi apprentice? You're a Jedi too Like my sister! Pleased to meet you."

He said, and I smiled at him, and Obi-Wan chuckled, as I sat up slightly and I stood up with his help.

I was half asleep after training for hours, and Obi-Wan was next to me, and he was asleep.

I blinked my eyes shut, and I fell asleep, feeling a terrifying center of doubt in my mind.

"Coruscant. The entire planet is just one giant city. Look, there is Senator Palpatine. He is waiting for us."

One of the pilots said, and I opened my eyes, as we all walked out, with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon.

I walked along with Anakin, just before the Queen stepped out, and we all bowed to the Chancellor.

"We will have to speak to the Jedi Council immediately." Qui-Gon said, as I followed him and Obi-Wan.

While Anakin quickly went with the Queen and Padmé, along with others.

I went into the Jedi Council Chamber, and I followed them into it, feeling an feeling of dread.

"If Silver was in true agony, would we have not all felt it now?" Mace Windu asked, and I looked at him.

"Her count is higher then anyone else, and she is the only one who could feel the pain beyond normal belief. Ever."

Qui-Gon said, and I looked at him, and nodded. "I do not believe, that it was a Sith. Would we have not all sensed it's power now?"

Mace Windu asked.

"No we would not all feel it. Not as she did now. Not this time." Qui-Gon said I looked at him.

"You say that this one is an extremely powerful Jedi. I see a girl playing with a saber staff, which just happens to be green."

Mace Windu said, and I stepped back, and my fists clenched at my sides, and I felt the anger again as I clenched my lightsaber tightly behind my back.

"Your brother will be tested. Bring him before us quickly and soon, but leave his elder sister out."

Windu said, and I bowed stiffly, and walked out with the others.

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