The News

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{Silver's POV}

"Replay the transmission again." I said, and Obi-Wan played it again, for the fifth time for me and I listened to it again.

"If the people truly were dying, he would sound defeated. It is clear that they are not. He would be hollow."

I said. "I agree. But either way, whether it is true or false, we are all running out of time."

Qui-Gon said, and shut the communicator off quickly, and he looked at me.

"You have met your family." He said, and I nodded. "I have always wanted a brother. But now that I have one, I don't know quite what to do."

I said, and he looked at me. "You will know one day." He said, and I lay next to my little brother on the floor.

I was fast asleep, until I heard someone waking up, and I walked into the kitchen.

I sat down at the table, and I was watching as the food had been laid at the table.

Jar Jar Binks was slurping up his food with his tongue rudely, as we tried, so very hard, and attempted, to speak to each other, over him.

"I'm shocked that's there's still slavery in the galaxy. The Republic anti-slaves law..."

Padmé started to say, as my mother sat down next to her, and also next to me.

"The Republic doesn't exist out here on our planet. We must survive here, on our own."

My mother said, and I heard Jar Jar's tongue, and I saw him swallow apples whole. "Excuse me." He said.

"Has anyone ever seen a Pod race?"

I heard Anakin say. "They have the Pod racing on Mallestair. Very fast, and also very dangerous."

Qui-Gon said. "I'm the only human who can do it. Here at least." Anakin said, and I raised my eyebrows, high up at him quickly.

"You must have Jedi reflexes." I said quietly, picking at my food, and I saw the movement coming, and I grabbed Jar Jar's tongue quickly, pinching it.

"Don't do that again."

Qui-Gon said, as he quickly nodded at me and I released Jar Jar's tongue and wiped my hand on my mother's table.

"You're a Jedi Knight, aren't you?" The silence was broken by Anakin. "He's a Jedi Master Anakin." I said.

"Are you a Master?" He asked. "I am one of his two Padawans." I said, and he looked at me. "Apprentice?"

He asked. "Yes." I said. "I had a dream I was a Jedi, and I returned, to free all of the slaves." He said.

"We are on our way to Coruscant. The central planet of the Republic and the allies." Qui-Gon said.

"Well how did you end up all of the way out here?" Anakin asked. "Our ship is damaged. We are stuck, out here, until we can fix it."

Padmé said.

"Padmé speaks the truth. Once again she does." I said, and Jar Jar Binks, he nodded. "But we have no money."

He said. "Also true." I said.

"I can help! I can fix anything! It's true! Right Mom?" Anakin said, and I smiled at him.

"I'm sure that you could, my very young friend. But first, we must find the parts to fix it." Qui-Gon said.

"The dealers here must have a weakness." Padmé said to the room at large.

"Gambling, all of the messes and things, are resolved by those bets, on those awful Pod Races." She said.

I sighed at her. "I would bet, but I have nothing of value except for these two. They are not mine to give."

I said, and my lightsabers were shown and Anakin looked at me. "What's that weird looking one?" He asked, looking at my saber staff hilt.

"My saber staff. I made it myself, at the age of 13." I said, and he looked at me. "How old are you now?"

He asked, and our mother glared at him, and I shook my head. "It's alright to ask. I am now 16, a young Padawan really, but still quite trained. I do after all, have one of the best around as my master."

I said, and Qui-Gon looked at me.

"Nonsense." He said, waving his hand casually, but not to try a mind trick, as it would not work and he knew it.

The communicator in his belt crackled, and I took it from him, and walked outside quickly.

"Master, are you there?"

I heard Obi-Wan's voice. "Not our Master. Me this time, what is the state of our ship and passengers?"

I asked, speaking into it directly. "Not going well. I can not fix the ship, with no parts, and they are not doing well, with the no transmissions rule."

He said, and I sighed. "It's going about as well as you'd think on this end. I've met my family, and the boy we met is, my little brother. They are both slaves my mother and my brother."

I said, as he sighed from his end of the communication device.

"Silver I am truly sorry."

He said, as I shook my head, and wiped tears quickly away, that I knew he could not see, but I did still.

"It is not your fault Kenobi. I only wish I had known." I said, as I looked around.

"But I need to get back to the ship. I can't stay in here, this place, a single bloody moment longer. Most, if not all, of these creatures here, think that because I am a Skywalker, that I am their property." I said, and he sighed.

"I am sorry, but if Master Jinn had wanted you here with us, I am most certain that he would have already said something."

He said, and I sighed. "You're right as always Obi-Wan. I will keep in touch, but make sure they do not send."

I said, and I shut off the communications device, and I quickly brought it back to Qui-Gon.

Then I was staggering.


He asked, and I felt a pounding headache and I groaned as I brought my hand up to my temple.

He looked at me.

"The disturbance. It has grown stronger then anything seen before now at this moment. Your enhanced abilities with the Force, the abilities, of your own, that almost no one else known shares..." He was saying.

"They are now causing you pain. We must get you back to the ship, before someone notices your weakness."

Qui-Gon said. "No. I will stay, but I need to rest." I said, and my mother brought me to the small cot.

I lay down gingerly, and I felt my headache slightly relenting, as I did so, and she looked at me.

"Take this. If Obi-Wan attempts to contact me, say I will return soon. You may keep in contact, but do not speak of sensitive matters."

Qui-Gon said, and handed me the communicator. "Thank you Master." I said, and he walked out of the home.

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