Tatooine and Family

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{Silver's POV}

I was next to the others, as I watched the R2-D2 droid going with Padmé, for cleaning.

"Land near the outskirts I suggest." I said quietly, and Qui-Gon Jinn nodded at me. "Correct."

Qui-Gon said as I followed him, as I walked next to him. "I am also feeling the disturbance Master. It is getting very much stronger."

I said. "Wait!" The Captain of the guard said. We all stopped, and he looked at us, and I saw Padmè.

"The Queen is curious about the planet. She wishes to know more about it." He said.

"This is not a good idea."

Qui-Gon said, as I nodded, as we walked quickly into the town and I followed him a little scared.

"Why does this feel so familiar to me?" I whispered, and Padmé looked at me, and I looked at her.

"I don't know. But... maybe your Master does know why?" The Queen's handmaiden said, as I walked into the small dealer after my master.

"I need parts for a J type, three-two-seven, newbium." Qui-Gon said, and I nodded.

The creepy looking dealer looked at me. "You're a Skywalker." He said as I looked at him, feeling a sudden surge of fear, and not knowing why.

"She is my responsibility. You will not be taking her." Qui-Gon said, as wings flapped up and down. "She belongs to me! By right!" The dealer spat.

"Kid!" He shouted in an unknown tongue, and Qui-Gon looked at me.

"What are you so fearful of here young one?" He asked, and I shook my head. "I don't know Master."

I said, and I stayed with the kid and Padmé. "Who are you?" I asked, and he looked at me.

"Anakin Skywalker." He said, and I looked at him. "I'm a Skywalker as well kid."

I said quietly, and he looked at me. "I don't know you." He said, and I sighed as I saw Jar Jar messing around.

"Hit the nose!"

Anakin said, and Jar Jar Binks now hit the droid on the nose, and it returned, to normal. I raised my eyebrows.

"How did you know that?" I asked, and he looked at me. "I build stuff. I built most of these things." He said.

"Cool." I said quietly, and I followed my Master out, and I heard someone small following us.

"And you're sure that there's nothing left on board?" Qui-Gon said, and the communicator crackled.

"A few containers of supplies. The Queen's wardrobe maybe, but not enough for you to barter with."

"Not in anywhere near of the any of the amounts you are talking about as of now." Obi-Wan said.

"Alright. I'll check back later."

Qui-Gon said, and we all went back into the town, and Anakin followed us now, helping guide us around town.

I walked along with him, as we waited for Anakin to finish getting the food, and I followed them, and paced.

"Oh my gods ranky. You better get home quickly Ani." The woman said, and I looked at him.

"Do you have shelter?" Anakin asked, and we looked at him. "We will head, back towards our ship." Qui-Gon said.

"Is it far?" Anakin asked.

"On the outskirts." Padmé said. "You'll never reach the Outskirts in time. You can come to my place." Anakin said.

I followed him with the rest, and we got into Anakin's small place. "Mom! Mom! I'm home!" Anakin said.

"Cozy." Jar Jar Binks said, as I looked around, feeling flashes of recognition and I looked at the woman standing.

"Silver?" She asked, and I looked at her. "How do you know my name?" I asked, and she looked at me.

"You feel fear. My young son, is also a relative of yours. You are a Skywalker and I am one as well, so is Anakin."

The woman said, and I looked at Qui-Gon, who nodded. "You're my mother?" I asked quietly.

"I gave you up years ago, I could not take care of you, and do my work. My main priority was making sure, that you had a good home."

She said, and I looked at her. "You gave me up. Yet, had time to raise a young boy."

I said, and she looked at me. "You have a good home now. With the Jedi as I understand it."

She said, as she looked at my lightsabers, and I looked at her.

"You gave me up, and I have a better family now." I said, and I walked into the room after Anakin and Padmé.

"This is C3-PO. He's a protocol droid, I designed him to help Mom around the house."

Anakin said, and I looked at him.

"I guess I have a little brother now." I said, and he looked at me, and nodded at me with a smile.

"I've always wanted a sister. I wished for years, that I would finally get one, a nice sister. Now I'm feeling the best. You're a Jedi as well!" He said.

"You're right. I am, but I trained hard for this. So hard, and I was brought in at age 5." I said, and he looked at me.

"Watch." Anakin said, and he pressed a button on the half-built droid, and I smiled as it sat up.

"Where is everyone?" He asked as I poked Anakin gently, and he winced at his mistake. "Right." He said, and pushed 3-PO's other eye in.

"Whoops." He said, and I smiled.

"I am C3-PO, human cyborg relations, how might I serve you?" He said, and I looked at him. "That's awesome."

I said, and he looked at me. "I wish I could do that." I said, and he looked at me.

"I wish I could be a Jedi like you. I bet that you can do all sorts of things!" He said, and I heard Qui-Gon calling.

"My apologies, little brother." I said, and I walked over to Qui-Gon, and he looked at me.

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