The Wait

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{Silver's POV}

"He will not pass the test Master, he is too old." Obi-Wan said, and I looked at him. "He will become a Jedi Kenobi. If I have to train him myself, I will."

I said coldly. "First our Master, and now you. Why don't you just follow the code?"

Obi-Wan asked, and I looked at him.

"He is my brother. I will not have him shipped back to Tatooine onboard the ship of a smuggler. How dare you?"

I asked, and he flinched at my quite angry words, as I quickly turned, and walked back into the Temple, where I was now intending to find Anakin.

I was next to the window, and was now watching the ships flying out of my window, as I walked into the room, of the Council.

"I will take him on then. As my padawan learner." Qui-Gon said, and I stepped into the room.

"Two apprentices you have." Yoda said, and I looked at him. "Obi-Wan is ready." Qui-Gon said.

"I am ready to face the trials."

Obi-Wan said quickly, and I walked into the room quickly, and the whole room fell silent.

"What of your other apprentice Qui-Gon? She will be tainted of your very presence here."

Mace Windu said.

"I am ready. Maybe I am just as headstrong as Obi-Wan. In fact, I know I am the same. But I will stay with my little brother Master. Even, if I have to train him myself, I will."

I said, and Yoda looked at me. "You believe you are ready yes. But ready you are not, if that is what you do."

He said, and I looked at him.

"They are both ready for this. There is, no more, that they can learn from me Grand Master."

Qui-Gon said interceding quickly, into our conversations, that I would leave, the Jedi Temple.

"Silver has now, I believe, has taught us both and all, so many more things, that then I have taught her." He said.

"There is not a single thing more, that I can teach to her now. Nor ever." My master said, and I now stood quietly.

I saw Anakin was next to Obi-Wan and I, my hands behind my back, as I sighed quietly.

"We have already now, broken the rule of two, for the training of Silver Skywalker. Grand Master Yoda, he now does know that well."

Qui-Gon said and I looked at him, as I lowered my head. "The Force is just as strong in him, as it is in Silver."

Obi-Wan said, and I nodded at him.

"If it is not stronger already in him, as it is now in me." I said, and Yoda looks at me.

"Wise as you have now become Silver, the decision is not yours." He said and I lowered my head in a nod of respect.

"The Queen will return to Naboo, you all will go with her. Find out the news of this identity of the Dark Warrior." I heard Master Windu say.

I bowed with the others to the Council, as we all walked out of the Council Chamber.

I was walking with them.

"The Council is right, he is dangerous to us now. They all sense it. Why can't you?"

Obi-Wan said, and I drew my lightsaber, and I pointed the blade at him, and he backed off quick.

"You say that again, and I might just hit you." I said coldly, and he flinched at me, as I walked past him, and onto the ship.

"I'm sorry." Obi-Wan asked, and I looked at him. "I'm sorry, but you can not insult my brother."

I said, and he looked at me, as I shook my head sharply. "Just go. I'm sure, as a good pilot, they now need you in the cockpit Kenobi."

I said, my hands on my saber staff, as I looked at it. "Silver..." He said and he had given up apparently, and I heard him leave the room.

"Jar Jar is on his way to the Gungun city now Master." Obi-Wan said, and I walked out of the ship, and onto the ground of Naboo once again.

"Do you think the Queen's plan will work?" I asked quietly, and Qui-Gon looked at me.

"The Gunguns will not be easily swayed. And we will not now be able to use our powers to help her."

Qui-Gon said and I nodded as we all watched the sunrise. "I'm sorry for all of my behavior. To both of you now. It is not my place to disagree with either of you, about the boy." Obi-Wan said.

"I truly am grateful... that now the both of you believe that I am ready to take the trials." Obi-Wan said.

"I believe you are as well Silver."

He said, and I looked at him.

"Thank you Obi-Wan, but I will not take the trials to become a knight, not unless my brother now becomes an padawan."

I said quietly, and I walked away.

"The city deserted. No one is there."

I hear Jar Jar Binks say hours later, after he had fianlly resurfaced from the underwater city.

"What do you mean?" I asked, and Jar Jar Binks looked at me. "There is a lot of space. A place. A sacred place."

He said, and we all followed him quickly, and we soon found ourselves surrounded by the Gunguns.

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