The Pod Racer, The Pain

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{Silver's POV}

I was sitting at the table, watching the communicator as it had been nearly a hour since Obi-Wan had promised me an update.

"Could there have been a big problem?" I asked, drumming my fingers on the table.

"Stop worrying. I'm certain he is fine Silver. You just rest." My mother said as I sighed.

"I'm sorry... That I snapped at you, the other day I mean." I said, and she was looking at me.

"I'm sorry, that it took this long for you to meet us both." She said, and I looked at her.

"I always knew that there was someone out there." I said and she looked at me.

"Now you've found us." She said quietly, and I smiled at her. "Yes. I suppose that indeed I have."

I said. "Keep your hands away from that Jar Jar! It'll leave your hands in a numb state for at least a few hours."

I heard Anakin say, as I stood up, and I followed his voice, just in time to see Jar Jar get his hand stuck in an engine and his head hit the laser beam.

I sighed, shaking my head at him, as I saw Anakin getting it into the Racer as I watched with his friend behind me.

The Racer's engines began to hum and I smiled as the heat began to come out of the engines. "It's working!"

Anakin screamed, over the loud roaring of the engine, and I smiled at him, as he put his helmet on.

I walked with Qui-Gon again, as we all were walking towards the stupid junk shop, where my little brother, serving the stupid thing with wings.

I walked into it with Qui-Gon, and he looked at me. "Let's go." He said, and I nodded, as I walked in with him.

"That girl belongs to me!" Wuta said, and I looked at him. "I belong to me. I will not bow to anyone else."

I said, my voice cold.

"The boy tells me that you want to sponsor him in the race. How can you do this?! Not on Republic credits, I think."

Wuta said, and I looked at him, and Qui-Gon looked at me, and I shook my head.

"My ship will be the entry fee." I said quietly, and Qui-Gon pulled up a holo of the ship. "Ahh! Nobium."

Wuta said. "It's in good order. Except for the parts I need." Qui-Gon said, as he put away the holo.

"What will the boy ride? He smashed up my pod in last race. To take some, long time to fix eh?"

The winged thing said, looking at Anakin. "It wasn't my fault. Really it wasn't. Bugo flashed his blinders at me. Plus, I saved the Pod. Mostly."

Anakin said. "I have won a Pod in a game of chance. It is said to be one of the fastest ever."

Qui-Gon said, looking at Anakin, who was watching Wuta. "Well, I hope you didn't kill anyone to get it eh?"

He said, and Qui-Gon just smiled at him, just only just slightly at him, as we looked at each other quickly.

"You supply the Pod, and the fee. I supply the boy, we split the winnings uh... fifty fifty I think eh?"

Wuta said, and I snorted. "If it's going to be fifty fifty, you should be paying a fee, for the entrance fee."

Qui-Gon said, and walked around Wuta intimidating him, as he watched him, and made Wuta turn with.

I was watching from next to Anakin.

"If we win, you keep all of the winnings, minus the cost of all of the parts we need. If we lose, you keep our ship, for yourself, but either way, you now win."

He said, and Wuta looked at him.

"Deal." He said, slapping Qui-Gon's hand to seal the deal, and I walked out of the shop with Anakin.

I followed Qui-Gon, as I walked back to the Skywalker home, that was now my home now, and I walked out.

Qui-Gon was talking through the communication device, and I smiled at the sound of the ship on the other side of the communicator.

"What if this plan fails Master?"

Obi-Wan asked, and I sighed at his doubt, and I shook my head. "Obi-wan we have no other choice." I said.

"It is too dangerous to call for help, and we are still running out of time, we have no other choice."

Qui-Gon said, and he shut off the communicator, and I went to go see Anakin, before I staggered hard.

"Silver!" Anakin said, and I clenched my eyes shut tightly, and I raised my hand to my temple. "Skywalker!"

I heard Qui-Gon say, and I blinked hard, and opened my eyes quickly, and I saw stars and I blinked hard.

I groaned, and Qui-Gon brought me inside, and he took the communicator out of his belt.

"Obi-Wan. Do you sense anything?"

He asked and Obi-Wan's end was crackling with the energy. "What is it?" He asked.

"Do you sense anything?"

I whispered into it.

"Why? What are you feeling?"

He asked, and I bit my lip hard, and let out a low groan of pain, that I was trying to keep in.

"Clearly it is now a serious problem for us. She is in a clear state of terrible pain."

Qui-Gon said, and I shut my eyes tightly, and clenched my fists, at my sides.

"Silver just hang on. I sense it as well, but your powers with the Force are so much more powerful then mine."

Obi-Wan said, and I shut my eyes tightly, and I shuddered slightly at the pain in my head.

"I've never heard of symptoms like these before." Obi-Wan said, as I felt a prick of the blood testing.

"Check my Maldelorian count." I whispered into the communicator, as Qui-Gon put it into the device.

"Your count is just under twenty thousand. That is shocking, no Jedi has ever had it that high before."

Obi-Wan said, and I looked at Qui-Gon, and shook my head quickly at him.

"You have to check Anakin's. He may have no physical symptoms yet, but as of now, that doesn't mean that he does not have the Force." I whispered.

"You're right." Qui-Gon said, and put Anakin's in, having taken it from him only a few minutes before.

"The reading is off the chart. Over twenty thousand. Silver, he has more then you do." Obi-Wan said.

"He's going to be so much more powerful, if he was to indeed be trained as a Jedi."

I said, and I shut my eyes.

"We have to all rest." I whispered, as he looked at me. "You do. Especially. I believe that you are unwell." Qui-Gon said.

"You will not be coming to the Pod Races with us. We will bring you the news after. I leave you with this."

He said, and gave me the second and extra communicator, and I nodded as I held it in my hand, sweating a lot.

"Rest." He said, as I fell asleep on the couch, unable to move properly since I had felt the presence of whatever it was I had felt.

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