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{Silver's POV}

Three years later, and I was on the ship with my Master Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, who both also had their hoods up, as we waited, and just watched an huge blockade appeared between us and Naboo.

I looked at them, and they nodded at me, and I had my lightsaber under the back of my cloak, and Obi-Wan would look to me.

"Remain calm. This is but a single and simple mission." He said and I nodded at him.

"Captain." Qui-Gon said calmly, from his place next to Obi-Wan, as always was his custom. "Yes sir?"

The captain asked. "Tell them we wish to board at once." Qui-Gon Jinn said as I held the single blade lightsaber on it, my belt as well.

"With all due respect, the ambassadors for the Supreme Chancellor, wish to board immediately."

The Captain said.

"Yes of course. As you know, our blockade is perfectly legal, and we would be very happy, so very to receive the ambassadors."

I heard the thing say, and we landed on the main part of the blockade, and I walked off with Master Jinn, who led the way, and Obi-Wan behind me.

"I am TC-14 at your service. This way please." The shiny silver droid said as I looked at it, and then finally I began to follow it.

"We are greatly honored to be blessed by your visit supreme ambassadors. I beg you. Please now. Make yourselves comfortable, and my masters will be with you shortly."

TC 14 said, and as soon as she was gone, and the doors were shut, we pulled off our hoods.

"I've got a bad feeling about this."

Obi-Wan said to both of us. "I don't sense anything." Qui-Gon said, and I looked at them.

"I sense it. Not quite as strongly, but there is something." I said, and Jinn sighed at the both of us.

"It's not about the mission Master. It's something... elsewhere." Obi-Wan said and I nodded. "Elusive." I said.

"Agreed." Obi-Wan said.

"Don't center on your anxieties Obi-Wan. Not either you, young Skywalker."

He said, as we walked towards the window. "Keep both yourselves and your concentrations, here and now, where they belong."

Our master said, and I nodded. "Yes Master." I said but Obi-Wan continued to speak of it.

"But Master Yoda said, that I was to now be mindful of the future ahead of all of us."

Obi-Wan said, and I looked at him. "Of all of us Obi-Wan?" I said, and he nods at me.

"But not, as I understand it, at the undeniable expense of the moment in the present. Be mindful of the living force young padawans." Our Master said, addressing both of us this time.

"Yes Master." Obi-Wan said, and did not speak of it again, as we looked out over the planet of Naboo.

"How do you think that this trader vice roy will deal with the Supreme Chancellor's demands?" I asked.

"These Federation types are cowards, and the negotiations will not last very long at all. They will be short."

Jinn said, and I looked at him. "I hope so. I wish to leave. This is a containing chamber."

I said, and Obi-Wan looked at me.

"You say you love your room, and yet you hate this." He said, and I looked at him. "Do not patronize me Kenobi." I said, and he looked at me.

"I do not understand you sometimes young Skywalker." He said, and I look back out the window at Naboo, which was calm and quiet.

"They are a peaceful planet." I said quietly. "Yes they are. There are no slaves. No armies." Qui-Gon said.

"So you have been here." I said, and he nodded. "On occasion. Before the blockade was put up." He said.

"Is it in their nature to keep us waiting this long?" Obi-Wan said, and I looked at him.

"I do not believe so." I said, and Qui-Gon shook his head at the both of us once again.

"No. But I do sense an unusual amount of fear, for something as trivial as this trade dispute."

He said, as TC-14 brought us drinks on a tray, and I picked up a cup, gently as I looked at it, and Obi-Wan took a sip.

I put it down gently, without actually drinking any of it. Qui-Gon picked one up as well.

I felt the panic before the explosion, and I stood up grabbing my single one and igniting it.

Then, the explosion came, and Obi-Wan looked at me, and my eyes flashed. "How?"

He asked, and Qui-Gon looked at me, and he was clearly expecting answers and I looked at them.

"I do not know. I felt the panic." I said, as our lightsabers deactivated quickly, and we sent the droid out first.

Then our lightsabers lit up, and we charged, leaping into the fight. I held my hand out, and sent two flying.

Obi-Wan did the others, and I looked up quickly, and I heard other droids. I nodded, as we charged.

We continued to hold off the droids, as Master Jinn, began to cut through the doors to the bridge.

"Use your staff." Obi-Wan suggested, and I looked at him. "Are you certain I can help?"

I asked, and he looked at me. "Just do it." He said, and I drew out my staff as more droids now ran towards us.

I slashed quickly after I had left my single blade in my belt, and I looked at them both, as the droids came.

More of the door began to melt, and I heard the familiar sound of destroyer battle droids coming.

"Master! Destroyers!"

Obi-Wan shouted as we blocked quickly and I used my saber staff quickly, as I had double the reach, that they did, and we all together, sped off.

"All of that training paid off." Obi-Wan said. "Let's just go." I said. "Alright."

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