Beginning Training

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{Silver's POV}

I was holding my lightsaber securely again, as I listened for the sounds of a circular droid or three, which were a tool for training.

I had my eyes closed, and I breathed in and out deeply, I heard the clicking of the droids.

As if they were all communicating with each of their fellows, as I listen and I moved my lightsaber quickly, blocking the first shot.

Then the next, and the next, and it seemed that the faster the droid was firing, the quicker I was reacting.

I knew someone now must be throwing up more droids, because I was swinging around, and around more, in circles.

I knew that I was getting tired, but I kept going, knowing that I needed to be the best I could be for this.

The last four shots fired, I opened my eyes, and I sent two of the blasts back at the droids, and they fell to the floor and they exploded.

The other two blasts, hit the walls behind the droids, and bounced back, and Qui-Gon quickly knocked one back to the other droid, and Obi-Wan got the other, just before they hit me.

"Thanks." I said and I quickly wiped sweat off of my forehead. "How long have you been in here young one?"

Qui-Gon asked, and I looked at him.

"How long has it been since sunrise?"

I asked, and Obi-Wan looked at Qui-Gon, eyes wide as moons, and I sighed.

"I need to train as hard as I can. I need to be able to fight, just as well as any other of you Jedi, specially, if I am to be fighting alongside the both of you."

I said, and they shook their heads.

"You my young padawan, are going to train yourself into an early grave. You shall not be training until at least one. Or... Maybe even two hours, after the sun has risen."

Qui-Gon said with a sigh, and I looked at him, with a disappointed nod.

"I understand Master."

I said, and my lightsaber deactivated, and I walked out of the training room, stepping over the smoking, destroyed droids.

I went into my new chambers, and sat down gently on the edge of my bed, as I heard the bedsprings, and sighing as I heard the boys.

I went to shut the door, but I just wasn't quick enough for it. Rayon led the way again, and I had managed to block the 4 with Rayon, from quickly becoming 5, before I was blocked yet again from my exit.

"You heard Obi-Wan. He'll come with Master Qui-Gon." I said, spitting it out with a savage bravado, that I truly did not feel at all.

"We're not scared of the Kenobi kid."

Rayon said, and I looked at him.

"He is older then you by at least 2 years Rayon. I personally suggest, that you. Back off."

I said, reaching back for the double lightsaber behind me, and he laughed, and smirked at me.

"You're going for a weapon? That won't help you now." He said, and was thrown into the wall with the Force.

I looked up, and Rayon staggered up onto his feet, and Obi-Wan stood there hand still outstretched from the push.

I gripped my lightsaber in the middle of it, and Qui-Gon walked in, and boys were suddenly bowing, and hands fell away from lightsabers immediately.

"Thank you." I said, bowing to both of them after the boys had run away and they nodded together.

"I believe it is now the time, that we trained you properly in combat, the art of single lightsaber combat."

Qui-Gon said, and as I looked at him, he handed me a single lightsaber, and I looked at it.

I pressed the button, and a green laser came out of it and I held it in my hand with ease.

"Back to the training rooms." Qui-Gon said, and we all walked back, and saw the boys waiting, and I sighed.

But the worry disappeared almost instantly, when I saw that Yoda was behind them.

I looked at the boys, and all three of us stopped. "Apologize to her you now will do."

Yoda said, gently poking them forward with the stick of his, and they all stepped forward.

"We are sorry. We didn't mean to insult any of you." I heard Rayon say, and he still had a bloody nose.

I walked past them all, and into the training room, and Qui-Gon followed with Obi-Wan.

I looked at them, and Qui-Gon shook his head. "They respect you, which is why they pick on you. Because, they are scared of you now young one."

He said, and I nodded.

"You are the first to wield a saber staff in a long time. Now, you must learn to wield both."

Qui Gon said, and I held the extra lightsaber he had given to me. "Obi Wan will help you." The master said, and the blue blade lit up in my fellow padawan's hand.

At his nod, was when I lit my own. I lit it up, and I listened to Qui-Gon, as I circled with Obi-Wan.

The two blades clashed quickly, and flashes of green and blue were tossed across the room as the lightsabers in the room clashed.

After a few hours, I was drinking sips out of a glass of water, and I looked at Qui-Gon, who had walked in.

I was in the training room still, but now I sat on the ground in the room, and I held the lightsaber in my hand.

Qui-Gon sat down facing me. "Are you alright?" He asked and I looked at him and just shrugged my shoulders.

"What is the proper answer to that? I have become a padawan, I have now created a new saber staff by myself, and now I learn to wield single."

I said, and he looked at me.

"Yes, you most certainly do. I believe, that once you are fully trained in the art of both saber-staff, and the single blade, you will be a great Jedi knight, even greater, then indeed, what you already are young Skywalker."

He said, and I looked at him.

"I understand." I said, and he nodded at me. "I'm sure you do young one. I'm meeting with the Council tonight, and they will agree with me, when all said is done."

He said, and I bowed slightly to him, and he walked out of the room and I smiled at his back, before I was very quickly running after him.

"Master Jinn!" I called, and he looked at me. "Yes?" He asked, and I held out his lightsaber back to him.

"You keep it. I can always make another, but I trust that you will be the one to be making only the best, correct decisions, of when and when not to use it." He said, and I bowed.

"Yes Master." I said, as he continued to walk away from me, and I returned to my room swiftly, taking care to shut it the door.

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