Kyber Crystals

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{Silver's POV}

Today was the day. Today, I would go with Master Yoda, and the pairing of his choosing, to choose my color of a lightsaber blade, by which color calls most to me.

I was in my room, for now just  currently holding the single blue lightsaber in my hands, lightly running my fingers over it.

I sighed, and put it on my bedside table, and I looked at my drawings of a double sided lightsaber.

I had already managed to make most of the pieces for it, so now all I would need is the Kyber Crystals. I heard the thump of Yoda's stick, and I got up, as he came into my room.

"Youngling you are not. Padawan, you shall be." He said, and I bowed to him, and he made an expression that I may have interpreted as a smile.

"Now. Follow me you must. Meet the others at the Hangar, we will. You hit the ground, do not." He said, and the thump of his stick hit the ground.

I followed him out of my chambers, and I hung my single blue lightsaber by my side, even though I was not comfortable with it at all.

"You like it not. Uncomfortable yes?" I heard Yoda say, and I nodded trying to be as polite as I could.

"I do not like the feel of holding a small blade in one hand Master." I said quietly, and he looked at me.

"Understand I do. But your Master, grant it the wish they must." Yoda said and I sighed. "Yes Master Yoda."

I said, and continued to walk in complete silence towards the ship Hangar, with the exception of his stick thudding onto the ground.

I saw a ship open and waiting for us, and next to it was Qui-Gon Jinn, and his padawan.

I sighed through my teeth, and Yoda gestured for me to go first.

"Youngling no more, Padawan that you are now Young Skywalker." Yoda said, and I inhaled sharply and I felt eyes on me, as I walked onto the ship.

I sat in the back of the ship, and I saw someone coming over to me, and I felt my eyes flash. "It's just me."

Obi-Wan said, and I looked at him.

"You use a single blade lightsaber." I noted, and he looked at me. "Yes. I do, why?"

He asked, and I shook my head hard, and realized my mistake. "No reason."

I said, now just looking at the blue lightsaber on my hip. "Hey. What is it?" He asked, and I looked at him.

"Are you that padawan who would feel more comfortable with a staff?" I heard him say, and I looked at him.

"Master Yoda."

I said, and he nodded at me.

"He mentioned it to the Council of High Jedi, and only three people voted yes." He said, and I looked at him.

"Who?" I asked him quietly.

"Master Qui-Gon, Master Yoda, and Master Mace Windu. But, with Master Windu, it could have been very much, just to get the matter off of the table."

Obi-wan said, and I looked at him, and nodded slightly. "Quite possibly, the man is strange that way." I said, and he laughed.

"Yes he is. But he is still a Master."

He said, and I looked at him. "Have you ever been in any battles?" I asked quietly, and he looked at me.

"One, it was supposed to be a diplomatic mission. It was against a whole lot of big droids. I got shot, in the left arm." He said, and I winced.

I was in a bunk, and I was asleep, until someone gently, shook me most awake.

I looked up at Obi-wan, and next to him were Qui-Gon and Yoda. I got up, and left my blue lightsaber in the pit.

I walked out onto the icy planet of Illum, and I held the hilts of my own made lightsaber.

I walked into the icy cave, which was briefly lit up by many different colors, all from the different kyber crystals.

They were now still clear, because they had not been attuned to any Jedi as of yet.

I found a lot of crystals on the wall, and I chose to take two that were near to my height and once I touched them then they turned a brilliant green.

I slipped them into my lightsabers, and I did the best with what I had of the Force, to close it.

I opened my eyes, and was surprised to see that I had done it. I was holding a double bladed lightsaber.

I pressed the buttons, and both of the blades lit up, and I smiled, as I walked out of the cave, and the others waited.

"Did you do it? Did you find your crystal young one?" Qui-Gon asked, and Obi-Wan looked at him.

"Forgive me Master, but she chose two." He said, and I pulled out my lightsaber, and I pressed the buttons, and it had two blades.

"Done it you have young padawan. 13 years of age you are." Yoda said, and I deactivated my lightsabers, and I saw the look of shock on Qui-Gon Jinn's face as he walked back onto the ship.

"Just give him time to process." Obi suggested, and I nodded, before he was walking onto the ship, and I let Master Yoda go before me.

I took one last look around, wondering why now, I suddenly felt so uneasy about the area.

I shook my head, and walked onto the ship, and pressed the button, shutting swiftly, the door behind me.

I had warned the others that I would be training in the pit, so I had moved things around with help, from both of the Masters to help me, have more of that crucial space to train.

I lit up both of my lightsabers sides, and I began to move. I was using both hands, and then one, then both again, as I moved around the room.

Only when I felt my arms shaking, and I looked at them closely, did I realize how truly tired I was.

I deactivated my lightsabers, and I went to my bunk, and sat on it, and I looked at the hilts, and I sighed.

I put it on my belt, and I lay back in the bunk, and shut my eyes slowly, before rolling onto my side.

I heard Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan talking as they walked in. "But Master forgive me. She is still the perfect example of why we should be more open minded on the concept of saber staffs."

"She wields it, the staff, as if she was born to wield a saber staff." Obi-Wan said, and Qui-Gon sighed.

"It is a wonder how she got this far with a single blade, despite clearly being very uncomfortable with it."

Obi-Wan pushed onwards, his voice becoming slightly desperate, Qui-Gon looked at his padawan.

"That is enough. You will wake the young staff wielder." He said, and I shut my eyes.

Qui-Gon walked swiftly away, while Obi-Wan settled into another bunk, and I was asleep soon after.

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