Before The Council

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{Silver's POV}

I walked into the center of the council chamber, and felt the nerves almost a wave of them, trying to drag me into a point and place of fear.

I bowed to the Masters around me, before standing in the center, my one arm by my side, and the other behind my back.

"Young Skywalker. Hardly even a padawan as of now. She is called to stand in front of the Council."

Master Windu began, and I felt the fear pulling at me, just willing me to break down hard, and completely.

"She is to be warned, for the as of now, still unauthorized creation, of a double sided lightsaber."

Windu continued to speak, and I said nothing, as I watched him, staring in straight ahead like I had no emotions.

"Created upon her own discretion. Do you deny these allegations?" The man said, and I looked at him.

"No I do not deny them Master Windu. I did create a double - bladed lightsaber, I have it with me now."

I said, and Master Windu summoned it to him with the Force, and Qui-Gon Jinn stood up.

"Objection Master Windu. I do not believe anyone, but the young girl should be handling her blades."

He said, and I looked at him, raising my eyebrows, realizing that maybe he had listened to Obi-Wan, even just an small bit, and now it was helping me.

I reached out, and my lightsaber was summoned back to me. "Show us how you use a single bladed lightsaber."

I heard Windu said, and a lightsaber was tossed to me from the corner of the room, where Obi-Wan stood, and he nodded at me.

The blue blade started to hum as the crystal activated. My ancestors... Help me to do this, and not fail.

I thought and I began to move.

My hands immediately started moving, and then, as most of the Masters immediately noticed.

It was that I moved the lightsaber from hand to hand, rather then the normal style of keeping it in one.

Also, the way I moved it, was like I was moving a staff, twirling, careful not to hit a Master, or hurt myself.

"Alright young padawan. That is enough, clearly your body rules that of your mind spirit! I know now." I heard Windu say, and I deactivated the single lightsaber.

I swiftly walked it back to Obi-Wan, feeling it would be disrespectful to all in the room, him, the council, and his Master, to just to throw it at him.

"Now show us what of the double bladed lightsaber? That you yourself have created by your own discretion, which is by law, a penalty of being exiled from the Jedi Temple."

Windu said, and I looked at him, feeling the fear crawling up into my throat, and then my eyes went to Grand Master Yoda.

He who then nodded at me, his eyes wide as they always were but still and very wise.

I drew my lightsaber out, and I held it in one hand, and both of the sabers lit up.

I swung it behind me so it was in my hand, but it was seemingly, almost rest against my shoulder, and so then the invisible duel began.

I was moving across the room, and almost all of the Masters watched me diligently.

Then, when I almost cut Master Windu, who had been previously ignoring me up until that very moment, he was watching as well.

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