Planet Core and Naboo

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{Silver's POV}

I was piloting the transport next to Obi-Wan and Jar Jar Binks was behind me, and his hard knees kept knocking into my back.

"Calm down. We pilot all the time." I said, and Obi-Wan looked at me. "Do we?" He asked, and I glared at him.

"You do." He said, and I looked at him.

"We both do. Now let's just keep piloting this ship." I said, and he looked at me, and nodded.

I leaned back on the seat, and Jar Jar was looking at me and I looked at him and my eyes narrowed.

"Stop staring at me." I said, and he then stared at Obi-Wan instead. I let out a sigh, as we kept piloting.

"So why were you banished from your city Jar Jar?" Obi-Wan asked.

"It is a long story. But a small part of it, would be I was clumsy." The thing said, and I raised my eyebrows.

"You were banished, because you were clumsy?" Obi-Wan asked, and Jar Jar shrugged. "Small part of it."

He said, and I shrugged at Obi-Wan as we kept piloting, and I thought I had a big shadow in my eyesight.

"Uh oh! Big cobra fish!"

Jar Jar Binks said. "There is always a bigger fish." I heard Qui-Gon say, from behind us, just after we were released from the jaws of the big, but still small Cobra Fish.

"Uh oh. We're losing power." I said, and Obi-Wan nodded. "You're right, because we are."

He said, and I felt for the panel, and Obi-Wan fiddled with the power lines, and suddenly we were back online.

"Power's back." Obi-Wan said, and I nodded. "Correct." I said, and smiled at him, and suddenly there was a big fish in front of us.

"Relax." Qui-Gon said, and used a huge mind trick to calm the frantic thing, and I nodded.

"You overdid it." Both Obi-Wan and I said, as we managed to get away from both of the big fish, and continue on.

Then, we were in the middle of a canal in Naboo, and Qui-Gon looked around us, as I looked up.

I ducked out of sight, as I saw the queen, her handmaidens, and her escorts with the droids around.

I looked at Obi-Wan, and I nodded as I pulled out my saber staff and I waited for Qui-Gon's signals.

I leaped down with them, and my staff's blades lit up, and we attacked the droids, furiously slashing them.

I stopped in front of the Queen, blocking a final droid's shot, and deflecting it back at the droid.

I looked at Obi-Wan, who nodded, as I deactivated my lightsabers quickly, as I put it under my cloak again.

"We are the Chancellor's ambassadors, from the Supreme Senate on Corsucant. Now, we are here only to protect you."

I said, and the Queen looked at me.

"A female Jedi." She said, and I looked at her. "Yes." I said, and Obi-Wan held his lightsaber under his cloak.

"She fights like any one of us other jedi." Obi-Wan said. "You should leave the streets, Your Highness."

Qui-Gon said.

"Your negotiations seemed to have failed." One of the Queen's councilors said, and I shook my head quickly.

"The negotiations never took in the first place Councilor. They found we were Jedi, and tried to kill us."

I said, and looked around quickly, trying to sense if anyone was coming towards us. "Obi-Wan?"

I asked, and he shook his head.

"Nothing." He said. "Nothing yet."

I said, and Qui-Gon nodded. "It's urgent that we make contact with the Republic." Our master said.

"They've knocked out completely, all of our communications." The head of the Queens guards said.

"Do you have transports?" Qui-Gon asked, and the man nodded. "In the main hangar. That way."

He said, and pointed with his blaster towards the way to the flying hangar.

"Skywalker. You take the lead. And quickly, before they realize that we attacked the droids."

Jinn said, and I pulled out my normal lightsaber, and I crept ahead. "Follow me."

I said, and Obi-Wan took one side, and I took the lead into the Hangar. "I will, free the pilots. You get the Queen, and the others onboard."

He said, and I shook my head.

"Our Master will get them onboard the transports." I said, as we both now went to the droids, that surrounded the pilots.

Qui-Gon attacked the head droids, and I slashed quickly at the other droids, a single one got past me.

Obi-Wan took care of the others that were now surrounding us, and all of the pilots. "Go!" Obi-Wan shouted.

The pilots ran, and I ran to help Qui-Gon with the rest, and Obi-Wan followed quickly, as we took care of the rest, then ran onboard the ship.

I looked at Obi-Wan, as we walked into the cockpit and watched from the side opposite the one before.

Suddenly, the Federation began to fire on us, and I gripped my fists tightly on my lightsaber, and Obi-Wan looked at me. "It's alright."

He said, and I felt his hand on my arm, and I looked down, as I felt a panic attack coming.

"Calm yourself young Skywalker. We will not die today." Qui-Gon said, and I nodded, and took a few deep breaths.

Suddenly, I heard a cry of hit, and I saw the shield generator had been hit extremely hard.

"Of everything that could have been hit." I whispered, as I saw that it was hit, and I knew that the droids, were going out now.

"We're losing droids. Fast." Obi-Wan said, and I looked at my hands, which were shaking hard.

I backed out of the cockpit, and went quickly into the empty droid chamber and I sat down.

Suddenly, I saw that the power was back. "The power's back! That little droid did it!"

The captain said, and I smiled slightly.

"We don't have enough power to make it all the way to Coruscant. We'll have to land somewhere."

The captain said.

"Here Master. Tatooine. It's small, out of the way, and the Trade Federation, has no power or influence there."

Obi-Wan said, and I walked back into the room. "How can you be sure?" The captain said.

"Because it is controlled by the Hutts."

I said quietly, walking in. "Silver are you alright?" Obi-Wan asked and I felt an unusual surge of fear.

"I don't like Tatooine." I said quietly, and I walked away, quickly, into the belly of the ship.

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