The Gungun Alliance, The Pilots, and The Hangar

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{Silver's POV}

I was marched in next to Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, while Anakin stumbled along in front of me.

"Hello there your big, your honor of the Gunguns!" Jar Jar Binks said, his voice shaking.

"I am Queen Amidala of the Naboo, and we all have searched you out, for the peace. For but a wish to form an alliance."

The Queen said, and the Gungun snorted at her, and he shook his head at us all.

"Naboo people. All of you have gone just bad." The king said, and I shook my head at him.

"We wish to form an alliance." The Queen said and suddenly Padmé steps forward. "Your Honor." She said.

"Who is this?" The Gungun king asked, and I raised my eyebrows at the handmaiden.

"I am Queen Amidala." Padmé said, and my eyes opened wide at her voice and what she had said.

"This is my decoy. My protection. My loyal bodyguard. I am sorry for the as my deception, but it was necessary for me to protect myself."

Queen Padmé Amidala said, and I looked at Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, who just smiled at me.

"Although we do not always agree your honor, our two great societies have always lived together, in the peace that Naboo is known for."

Padmé said, and I nodded at her wise words, as she continued to speak, to a king.

"The Trade Federation has worked and continues constantly to attempt to destroy everything, that we have built together on the peace. If we do not act quickly, I fear that everything that still remains will be lost."

The Queen said, and my smile went into a serious look, at the reminder of the fights that lay ahead.

"I ask you to help us... No, I beg you to help us. Now. In all of our hours of the truest need"

She asked, and went down kneeling to him, and I looked at Anakin. He was, I saw, in shock.

We all went down on our knees, and I listened quickly. "Maybe we could be.. being friends."

The King said, and I smiled at him, as I walked with the others.

Soon, we were standing on the battlefield, and I was looking at the plans held by R2.

"We will need to keep absolutely quiet." I said, and I winced, my hand going to my head.

"Ah." I said, and shut my eyes tightly, and my other hand gripped my staff in the middle. "Silver?"

Obi-Wan asked, voice concerned all over it. "The pain is regular now, as if it is a knife continuously pressed into my skull. I believe the Sith is here."

I said, and squeezed my eyes shut tight and Obi-Wan looked at Qui-Gon as I spoke.

"If we are to talk of talking the Vice Roy of the Federation, he will be now extremely well guarded my Queen."

Qui-Gon said. "We can handle the Sith if it is there, but if he is not there, and the Skywalker is wrong..."

The Captain said, and Obi-Wan looked at him. "Silver has never been wrong a time before."

Obi-Wan said, and Qui-Gon nodded as I looked at him, and I winced at me as I walked away.

"Silver. We shall fight as we have always done." Obi-Wan said, and I looked at him.

"Will I even be able to fight now?" I asked, even still now wincing at the pain in my head.

"You will fight. If we are right about him, and he does have a saber staff, we do not have a choice in this. You may very well be our only chance."

He said, and I looked at him. "You are twice the Jedi knight I am Obi-Wan. It is only a matter of what weapon, that we are using."

I said, and I saw the shield go up in the distance. "That's our cue." I said, and he nodded.

Now, we were all in the city, and I drew out my staff, as I blocked twice the shots as the others did.

I charged into the Hangar, and I was blocking quickly, knocking the blasts back from the pilots as best I could.

"Ani hide!" I shouted, and Anakin leapt up into a ship's cockpit to hide, and I continued slashing at droids.

More fell every second, but more continued to come as many as we could now kill, more came.

I was swinging my staff in a blur of motion, causing people to back away as I did so, blocking, deflecting, and attacking all at once.

"Stay in the cockpit Anakin." Qui-Gon said, as I deactivated my staff, and put it back on my belt. "You alright?"

Obi-Wan asked. "Never better. I'm doing what I do best again. Fighting for a cause."

I said, as we walked quickly through towards the Throne Room. Suddenly, the Sith stood in the doorway.

I pulled off my hood, and I gripped my saber staff securely, as his came into his hand. "Silver."

Obi-Wan said, and I nodded. The two red blades lit up, and I charged, and I swung mine up to block his.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon quickly joined me, swinging their lightsabers fast, as our combat turned quickly into a blur of fast motion.

Green, blue, red, all flashed through the air as we fought hard and tough, but the Sith was equal to all of us, as strong as all of us together fighting.

All of us were as acrobatic as ever, but he was equally as good for us, as I was still swinging hard.

The door behind the Sith opened quickly and all of us were still fighting as he backed up through the door.

We leapt across after him, and continued to fight on the walkway as we all fought together, blurring our lightsaber blades, as of how fast we were now moving.

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