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I wake up with Taehyung wrapped around my naked frame like a koala, softly snoring and his cute face a bit puffy. The guys have a schedule today yet don't need to be out and about until later. He deserves to sleep in after literally rocking my world last night. They all deserve a relaxing morning, honestly. So I pry out of Tae's hold, sliding a pillow in the space I was just in, and rummage around for my pajamas. Once I'm dressed, I quietly creep out into the hall, hoping to make it down to my bedroom undetected.

Yeah. Fat chance.


I turn to find Jungkook coming up the stairs, his brow furrowed.

"Morning, JK," I grin, trying to keep the guilt off my face. Wait. Why do I feel guilty?

"Um, is hyung awake? We're supposed to go to the gym."

"Oh, uh, he's still sleeping."

"Oh. Ok."

JK looks at the door. Then looks at me. Then looks back at the door. If he goes inside, he'll see a very naked Taehyung. And I don't know how they all usually sleep, but I doubt it's completely nude. But who knows?

"I'm just gonna, uh..." I maneuver around him and scurry to my room, unable to breathe until I'm safely inside.

After washing up, I force myself to stow my embarrassment and get started on making breakfast

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After washing up, I force myself to stow my embarrassment and get started on making breakfast. Most mornings, the guys only have time for something quick and easy. Today I'd like to spoil them with a full brunch spread.

"Morning, Jin," I smile brightly when the oldest member comes in in search of sustenance. I lift my chin for a kiss but Jin barely looks at me, his ears bright red. Strange. Ever since that night in my room, he's been way more affectionate, oftentimes initiating it. Now we're back to square one.

When Namjoon and Yoongi emerge sometime later, there's even more weirdness. Both are quieter than usual and give me no more than awkward one-armed hugs.

Luckily, when Jimin and Hoseok come in, they're all smiles and kisses.

"Morning, jagi," Jimin coos against my lips. "Sleep well?"

"Like a baby."

Hobi comes to leave a quick peck on my forehead before his eyes zero in on the meat sizzling in the pan. "Oooh, bacon!"

Jungkook joins us later, and while he's always fairly quiet, he seems a bit distant. But when Taehyung appears...

"Good morning!" he all but sings. Then he makes a beeline for me and hugs me from behind, dotting my neck with sweet kisses.

I giggle and squirm. "You're going to make me burn it, babe," I chide quietly.

"So? Then I'll just eat you..."

I suck in a sharp breath and turn around. Had they just heard him say that?

No one acknowledges the comment yet I notice several of them refuse to meet my eyes for the duration of breakfast. Of course, Tae is oblivious and eats enough for five men. Guess he had some calories to replenish.

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