EPS 38

298 16 1

Haii haii
Long time to see u guys
Im back,  and continue writing this story


"Swara you haven't told me who he is? And Shivana calls father. Swara don't  you say "

"Veer is my friend. He has helped me a lot"

Swara began explaining to ragini mom that Veer was a doctor and his first meeting when he helped Swara faint in the hotel and at that time Sanskar began to misunderstand and accused him of cheating. Then Swara returns to meet Veer on Banarash and Veer helps her a lot in Banarash.

Veer also helps her take care of Shivana and loves Shivana as her daughter. That's why Shivana called him father. Because only veer does she know and is known.

"You're crazy, how can you think I'm remarried"

"Hahaha, that's not what I mean Swara. I'm just surprised, Swara why did you let Shivana call him father?"

"Ragini, I have no choice but to let Shivana like that. She also needs attention and compassion for a father. When Sanskar is not with her, and Shivana only knows Veer, she considers it her father. But I also won't let this continue I will bring Shivana to Sanskar, I hope they have ties as a child and father even though they have been separated for a long time "

"I'm sure Sanskar would be happy to see his daughter grow up. Aunt, uncle, father, mother and all would also be happy when they see Shivana. Swara do you really want to meet Sanskar?"

"Yes, this way, I want to meet him and say everything. I want him to know that he already has a daughter"

"Alright, I'll take her to Maheswari's house with Shivana"

Swara smiled.

Sharsmishta approached them.

"Will you go to the maheshwari house?"

"Yes,mother i will take her to the Maheswari house," Ragini said

"Will you go there now?" said Shoba

"Yes dida" replied Rini

While Swara was just silent.

"Swara come on, bring shivana too"

Swara brings Shivana with her. Ragini and Swara leave the Baadi.

"Swara wait a minute I'll call"

Ragini picks up her cellphone and calls someone

"hallo laks"

"Yeah ragini. What's wrong? Have you been here"

"Yes, I am here and will go home soon. Is the Sanskar at home?"

"You're together with Swara now? Yeah, we held it back to stay here. You're here soon"

"Yeah laks, I'm with Swara. Okay I'll be home soon"

Ragini closes the phone, and returns to Swara.

Swaragini Season 2 ( with english subtitle ) Where stories live. Discover now