Chapter 11 - the dream

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In Yondu's ship

"You betrayed me! Steal my money!" Yondu yelled at Peter who was got pinned at the wall by two men of his, punching him in the stomach repeatedly.

"Stop it! Leave him alone!" Gamora yelled at Yondu but she can't because 

"When I picked you up as a kid, these boys wanted to eat you. They ain't never tasted Terran before. I saved your life!" he yelled again as Peter was received a punch on the stomach again.

Peter starting to feel flames burning inside him. He put up all of his courage to struggle and fight back Yondu.

"Oh, will you shut up about that? God! Twenty years, you've been throwing that in my face, like it's some great thing, not eating me! Normal people don't even think about eating someone else! Much less that person having to be grateful for it! You abducted me, man. You stole me from my home and from my family!" peter yelled in Yondu's face, making he backed away a little.

"You don't give a damn about your Terra! You're scared because you're soft, in here!" Yondu yelled back as he patted Peter's chest. "Here! Right here!" 

Yondu grabbed Peter, to punch him again but stopped when Gamora struggled and started to yell.

"Yondu! Listen to me! Ronan has something called an Infinity Stone!" Gamora told Yondu.

Yondu looked at her.

"I know what he's got, girl" Yondu said and looked back at weak Peter.

"Then you know we must get it back! He's gonna use it to wipe out Xandar. We have to warn them. Billions of people will perish" Gamora tried to convinced Yondu.

Yondu looked deep into the boy that was in front of him. He stared at him for a moment before speaks again.

"Is that what she's been filling your head with, boy? Sentiment?" Yondu asked and slapped Peter across his face. "Eating away your brain like maggots! That's it"  Yondu said.

Yondu then lifted his jacket, revealing his one and only favourite arrow. He whistled sweetly, making the arrow flew up and ended up in front of Peter's forehead. 

"No!" Gamora yelled, struggling to break free.

"Sorry, boy. But a captain's gotta teach his men what happens to those what cross him" Yondu said, not taking off his eyes from Peter.

"Captain's gotta teach stuff!" Kraglin shouted as everyone in the ship agreed except Gamora and Peter.

"If you kill me now, you are saying goodbye to the biggest score you have ever seen" Peter exclaimed, making Yondu thinking about his decision about killing him.

Yondu just smiled and scoffed at his answer.

"The Stone? I hope you got something better than that. Because ain't nobody stealing from Ronan" Yondu exclaimed.

"We got a ringer" Peter said.

"Is that right?" Yondu said, not convinced by his fake words.

"She knows everything there is to know about Ronan. His ships, his army" Peter said, referring to Gamora who was still struggling to break free.

"He's vulnerable" Gamora said.

"Hey, what do you say, Yondu, huh? Me and you, taking down a mark side-by-side, like the old days" Peter smiled sweetly. 

Yondu looked deep again at Peter's face. He was hesitated to make a right choice. Then, he whistled back his arrow into its place and smiled widely at Peter, revealing his ugly and uneven teeth out.

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