Chapter 6

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A/N: Hey everyone! I finally got time to write another chapter. I'm hoping by the end of this chapter or beginning of next chapter we'll be in the time when the series starts. Anyways, let's get right into the story!

Y/N = your name

F/F = favorite food

F/D = favorite drink


'thinking or voice in head'

"Beast talking/Demonic voice"

*Time skip to X782*

[Y/N's POV]

I've been here at the guild for a few years now and everyone has grown a lot over the years. With Lisanna's help I'm finally able to talk to people in the guild without stuttering. I still have a tendancy to become mute if I'm talking to someone new or unfamiliar though. However, it isn't nearly as common though. I will be more likely to stutter than to go mute now. Lisanna and Natsu also worked together to hatch an egg. Natsu, being Natsu, thought it was a dragon egg because of the blue flame-like pattern on the outside. However, it turned out it was a flying cat that is now named Happy. Natsu, Gray, and I are like brothers now, however Natsu and Gray will always be each other's rival. I have to say, Erza changed quite a lot over the years. She used to be a bit more peeved about when I would talk using a notepad, but relaxed a bit more after Lisanna talked to her. Now that I'm finally talking again, she became much more curious about what I tend to do in my notebooks. Finally, Lisanna and I grew very close over the years. Almost to the point where it was rare to not see her by my side. To quote Makarov, he said we were like "two peas in a pod." I still don't understand what he meant by that, but it seemed like it was a nice thing to say. I also became S-class over the years thanks to continuing my father's physical and mental training, along with reading books about strategy. I also happened to pick up playing chess every now and then as well. If I'd say anything about what has happened over the years, its that we have all changed for the better and become closer as a family.

I'm walking back from completing an S-class quest that I had taken around two weeks ago. I found out during the S-class trials  that if I get mad or upset, black markings appear all over my body. Makarov said it seems like a seal of some sort, but he doesn't know what it's sealing, nor how to remove the seal. Luckily they didn't appear during the job, so I didn't have to worry about that. I just push this off my mind and continue thinking about what I'll do when I get back to the guild.

Y/N: 'Hmm, what should I do when I get back. Probably first drop off the money from the request, head to the guild and meet up with everyone there. I think then I'll spend some time with Lisanna catching up with what's been happening at the guild. After that, I should get some food to eat as well. I think a nice F/F with a glass of F/D sounds nice after this job. Awww man, why is it raining. I mean, I don't mind the rain and all, but I was enjoying the sunlight. Why does nature have to rain on my parade. I should probably get going and head back as soon as possible.'

I then start to run to the guild from the woods. Luckily, the quest was not too far away, so I can easily run back to my apartment and head to the guild within a few hours.

*Time skip to right before we reach the guild*

I was all nice and ready to head into the guild when suddenly, I felt a depressing mood surround the guild.

Y/N: 'This doesn't feel right. I hope nothing bad happened.'

I walk into the guild with a small smile and wave to everyone there. I see them look up and give me a look of sorrow and some pity. I was about to say something when suddenly I felt someone try to tackle me into a hug. I look down to see it was Mira crying into my shirt. I knew something was wrong then.

Don't Judge a Book By It's Cover: Male Reader x Erza ScarletWhere stories live. Discover now