Chapter 11

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A/N: Hey y'all! I apologize for the chapter coming out a bit late. Balancing a decent schedule for homework and writing is being a bit difficult, so chapter's might not come out at such a constant rate. I will be continuing the story though. Anyways, I won't keep y'all waiting. So, let's get right into the chapter!

Y/N = your name

F/F = favorite food

F/D = favorite drink

E/C = eye color

H/C = hair color


'thinking/voice in head/talking in your head'

"Beast talking/Demonic voice"

[Y/N's POV]

Kageyama had just sped off to find Erigor and give him the Lullaby. I had given the Lullaby to Erza for her to protect, but we were careless and partly forgot the Kageyama was still on the ground. I look back towards Erza to see her surprised face and then quickly bowing.

Erza: *bowing* "I apologize for being careless. I accept my punishment."

Y/N: 'Does she expect me to hit her? Why would I do that?'  *sighs* *quietly* "Y-You're not being punished, E-Erza. I-It was a simple mistake o-on our p-part. Everyone m-makes a mistake once i-in a while, so th-there is no r-reason to dwell o-on it. Let's j-just find everyone quickly a-and meet i-in front of th-the train station." 'I really need to work on stuttering if Erza's going to make me talk to everyone.'

Erza raises her head in mild shock from what I had just said. She quickly gains her composure and nods her head. We then head off in different directions to find everyone. While searching the grounds, I had found Gray walking around in his underwear. It seems he's looking for his clothes. Regrettably, I sniff the air to see if I can catch scent of his clothing. Unfortunately I did find them.

Y/N: 'I don't want to grab his clothes so...' *throws a pebble at Gray to get his attention* "Y-your clothes a-are th-that way." *points into one of the rooms*

Gray: *shocked* "Oh! Y/N you're here! Thank's for telling me where my clothes are located." *walks into room and puts on his clothes*

Y/N: 'Did he seriously not notice? I'll give it a count to three. One...... two...... three.'

Gray: *bolt's out the door and looks at us in shock* "WAIT YOU JUST TALKED!!!!"

Y/N: *slowly nods head* 

Gray: *still in shock* "Wait what? How? Why? When? Who? Where? Wha--" *falls to the ground unconscious*

I chopped his neck because he was asking too many questions. Also, we need to hurry to the front of the train station.

Y/N: *quietly* "S-s-sorry G-Gray."

I throw him over my shoulder and quickly run towards the front to see that everyone is already here. Erza walks towards me with a serious face and speaks.

Erza: "What happened to Gray?"

Y/N: *cringing slightly from being in front of people* *quietly* "H-he asked t-too many questions and w-was t-taking too long..."

Erza: *deadpans* "You didn't have to knock him out though."

Y/N: *quietly* "I didn't w-want to d-deal with the qu-questions."

Erza: *sighs* "Alright, well there's a wind wall blocking us off from leaving the building. We can't punch through it without getting shredded apart. And, we can't really find Kageyama."

Don't Judge a Book By It's Cover: Male Reader x Erza ScarletWhere stories live. Discover now