He finds out you're pregnant (BSM)

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Luke 17

I've been feeling pretty sick the past few days and I haven't had my period in 2 months.

"Y/F/N? D-do you think Y/BF/N um you know?" I said as we sat in Maths class.

"Y/N, it's possible. You haven't had your period in months and you're sick like every day." She sighed as I shook my head.

"C-can you Uh come t-to the ph-pharmacy with me?" I asked as the bell rung.

"Sure! I don't mind." She said as my maths teacher tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, take the next few days off. Y/N, you need it." She said as I smiled weakly.

"Of course I will Miss." I said as me and Y/F/N walked away to my locker.

"Y/N! Hold up!" Luke shouted startling me.

"Imma hang with the boys k? I'll be back home at about 8." He said as I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm headed home." I said as he walked to the boys.

I softly sighed and headed to the pharmacy with Y/F/N.

"How May I help you Miss?" The man at the counter asked as I panicked.

"Um, I-I can I um have a-a pregnancy test?" I asked as he just looked at me.

He grabbed one and scanned it as I gave him the money.

"C'mon," y/F/N said as I looked at the test and sighed.

"Thank y-you." I stuttered as we walked away.

"Hey, stop worrying." Y/F/N said as I looked at her.

"But I-I can't. W-what if I-I am?" I said as we started walking to mine.

"Hey, you can't be hard on yourself. Just relax." Y/F/N said as I sighed.

We got to mine and I instantly went to the bathroom and unpacked the test.

"Here goes nothing." I sighed to myself as I took the test.

I looked at the test and gasped braking into tears.

"N-no." I said falling onto the floor crying harder.

"Y/N?" She asked as she opened the door.

"What's going on here?!" Luke said making us jump.

"Luke come here." Y/F/N Said as I hid the test.

"I'll be back in 2 guys." He said closing the door.

"What's up?" He asked as I cried harder.

"L-l-luke. I-I-I'm s-So fucking sorry." I said as he looked confused.

"Why Y/N? Tell me." He said pulling me close.

I shakily gave him the test as he gasped.

"I-I know y-you're mad." I said as he smiled.

"Hey I'm not mad. I'm so happy!" He said now tearing up.

"Thank-Thank you l-Lukey."

Michael 19

I can't believe that I'm 5 months pregnant. I haven't left my room in a whole week. Unless I needed food or anything.

"Y/N? Please can I come in?" My older brother Michael asked knocking on the door.

"N-no!" I cried into my pillow as tears flooded out of my eyes.

"Y/N! Please?" He asked again as I cried harder.

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