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Sonic's POV:

When I woke up, I saw Rouge lying next to me. I blink my eyes a couple of times and slowly sit up. I groan from the heavy pounding of my headache. I looked at Rouge and gently shook her. She slowly opened her eyes.

"Oh, God. What happened? My head feels like shit," She groaned. She sat up and we looked around the room. Instead of being in the coffee shop, we were at Rouge's house in her and Knuckles' room.

"I think we passed out in the coffee shop, but I don't remember why," I tell her.

"I remember. Sally told us she was pregnant by 'Meph'" She replied while putting air quotes around Meph. I slowly nod my head.

"Oh yeah," Then I shoot off the bed and head into their bathroom. I kneel over the toilet and well…you know what happens.

I feel a hand on my back, rubbing up and down. When I finally stopped, I flushed the toilet and pulled myself up. I lean against the sink and open the cabinet behind the mirror. I take out the mouthwash and gargle the taste of vomit out of my mouth. I put the mouthwash back in the cabinet and turn around to see Rouge leaning against the doorway rubbing her head.

I turn back around and open the cabinet again. I take out an aspirin bottle and close the cabinet. I turn around and toss the bottle to Rouge. She catches it easily and pours two pills out of the bottle and closes it back up. She throws it back on the bed and swallows the pills.

"Let's go downstairs and see what the guys are doing," She says as she heads out of the bathroom.

We head out of her and Knuckles' room and downstairs to the kitchen, where the guys spend most of their time. We see them with their heads in the fridge probably finding something to eat. I cough and they pull their heads out, both of them having ice pops in their mouths. Shadow smiles around the ice pop in his mouth and walks over to me. He takes the ice pop out of his mouth and kisses me on the forehead. Knuckles does the same with Rouge.

"We were just about to check up on you guys," Shadow says.

"Mhm. Before or after you guys raided my fridge?" Rouge asked.

"Hey, it's my fridge, too!" Knuckles replied. Rouge put her hand on her hip.

"So you wanna do the grocery shopping next time?" She asked him.

"Uh, never mind. It's your fridge, babe," I shake my head and lean up to kiss Shadow on the cheek.

"I'm hungry, Shadow," I say as I lean my head on his chest.

"Want some of my ice pop?" He asked as he held the cherry ice pop in front of me. I shook my head.

"No. I want…ice cream and pickles!" I say as with a smile.

"Okay. I'll get you some- What? Did you say ice cream and pickles?" He asked with a confused expression. Rouge walked over to the fridge and pulled out the vanilla ice cream and pickles.

"Shadow, don't be surprised. You remember when our cousin Amber got pregnant? She ate the weirdest things: ice cream and pickles, mac & cheese with syrup, cereal and hot sauce, oh! And strawberries with peanut butter!" Rouge explained as she passed me the ice cream and pickles with a spoon. I lick my lips and take a seat as the table. Shadow slowly nodded his head.

"I remember that!" He shudders. "That was just disgusting," I point my pickle at him.

"Hey! Don't knock it til you try it!" I dip the pickle in ice cream and bite it. I close my eyes and smile.

"Mm. This isn't that bad," I open my eyes and see Rouge eating a pickle with a little ice cream on it. I smile and hold on my pickle for Rouge to bump it with hers. She smiles and bumps her pickle with mine. Knuckles and Shadow's eyes widen.

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