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Sonic's P.O.V

I woke up on a bed. Not expecting that, huh? Well, neither was I. Usually in a movie and someone gets kidnapped, their kidnapper traps them in a small, unsanitary room with no windows or source of light or heat or fresh air. That isn't my case. When I woke up, I was staring at a purple painted ceiling and realized I was sitting on a bed with comfy sheets and pillows. I slowly sat up and leaned against the headboard of the bed.

It would've been just like any other teenage girl's room, but it didn't have any personal items. You know, like, pictures of friends and family, posters of hot boy bands and actors, and stuff like that. The walls were bare except for the purple paint and a white piece of paper that had 'C&S' painted on it. It looked like whoever painted must've taken days to do it. The detail is just that amazing. I didn't really start freaking out until I saw what must've been the closet doors. They had pictures of me and Shadow.

It seemed like this person was following us. They mostly showed me and Shadow walking around the park, eating out at a restaurant with Knuckles and Rougr, leaving our house for work, but some of them showed private times. There were some that showed me and Shadow in our bedroom and there was even one that showed me and him in our hotel room when we went to Paris for our honeymoon.

I turned my head to the bedroom door and saw a dartboard with a zoomed in picture of me and Shadow kissing with a big red 'X' over it and five darts placed over our faces. I tried to get out of the bed, but whatever drug that was spilled on that handkerchief was strong enough to keep dizzy for a while. I felt a wave of nausea wash over me and before I knew it, I was leaning over the bed throwing up the breakfast I had this morning, or the morning of the day I was kidnapped, into the blue trash can by the bed. I don't know how long the drug knocked me out. I just hope it doesn't hurt the twins.

After the last batch of vomit, I felt a hand rubbing my back. It wasn't like the hand that smothered the handkerchief to my mouth. This felt like a woman's touch. I looked up and saw a woman that looked like she was around my age. Her skin was a little pale, but had a fair tan to it. Her eyes were brown. Her lips were turned into a creepy stalker-like smile.

"Are you okay?" Her voice had an edge to it and a little bit of creepiness.

"Um, y-yeah. I think so." I stuttered. My voice was softer than normal. That drug really did its trick, huh?

"Good. Don't want my twins to get hurt now do I?" I quickly stood up from the bed, trying my best to ignore the dizzy that was taking over from standing up too fast.

"Excuse me?"

"Well, you're carrying my babies, Sonic. I just wanted to make sure my little angels are okay." She reached over and placed a hand on my stomach. I pushed her hand away and looked at her like she was crazy. That's because she is! What the hell has this lady been smoking?

"These are my babies–wait, how did you know I was pregnant and with twins? How did you even know my name? Who the fuck are you? Where the hell am I? " I started yelling at the psychotic lady. My hands were forming into fists and I could feel my face starting to heat up.

"Now, now. Calm down, Sonic. That's what Shadow calls you right? Sonic?" She stood up from the bed and tried to place her hands on my stomach again. I looked to the side and grabbed the blue lamp that was sitting on the bedside table next to me. I snatched the plug out its socket and held it like I would hold a baseball bat.

"Step any closer and I'll bust you over the head with no hesitation." She didn't even flinch. She kept that same damn psychotic smile on her face. Then, I realized what she said. "Wait, how did you know about Shadow?"

"I know everything about you and Shadow, Sonic. I've been watching you very carefully. You don't know how excited I was when I found out you were pregnant. And with twins! That means me and Shadow will have the perfect lives together. Well, after I get rid of you of course."

There was a crash in the room when the lamp slipped from my hands. Crazy bitch say what? "What?!"

"Oh, yes! I'm sorry to say, but after you have me and Shadow's lovely twins, you're going to die. I can't let you ruin my perfect family, now can I? Don't worry. I'll let you live a week after the twins are born, but after that, you're gonna have to go." She cocked her head to the side and widened her smile. "Now, I'm going to get my brother Bruno to come and clean this up. I'll be in with your dinner soon. We gotta make sure my babies are healthy when they join the world." She gave my stomach a little rub before walking out of the room.

Shadow, hurry up and save me.

Rouge P.O.V:

"Carmen The Cat? You mean that psycho you were dating in sophomore year of high school?"

"Yeah. That's the one."

"I told you so." What? I did tell him! Let me clarify. When Shadow met Carmen he claimed that it wasn't going to be anything serious. Now, during his early teenage years, he was very stubborn, even with me. Every time anyone tried to tell him how to do something the right way, he would purposely do the opposite thing just to piss them off and show that he didn't need anyone to be in charge of him.

When I first met Carmen, I could tell she was going to be trouble. I'll never forget the look she had in her eyes. It looked like she had the soul of some delusional psychotic mental institution runaway. She wouldn't take her eyes or hands off of Shadow the whole night. After the night was over, I told Shadow to be careful with her, especially if they broke up. Of course he didn't listen and the break-up was horrific. And that leads us to now.

"Rouge, I really don't need this right now."

"You're right. I apologize, but that still doesn't change the fact that I told you to be careful with how you broke up with Carmen."

"Look, Rouge, it's not like I knew this was gonna happen! I thought I was done with her since she transferred from school!" He groaned and lied back on the bed. "Why do I always attract the psycho girls?"

"Oh yeah, Shadow, because all the girls in the world are fighting to get to you," I rolled my eyes and reached inside my bag to pull out my iPhone. "Now, let's see what little Carmen has been up to."

"And how do you expect to do that? We haven't heard from her in like eight years. Who would even know to call?"

"Shadow, have I ever steered you wrong before?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Well, there was that one time you sent me on the wrong flight…"

"Look, I didn't know there were two different Georgias, okay? Who would've thought Minnesota actually had a plane that went out to Eurasia?" I blushed and looked down at my phone to type in my code. I went to my address book and found the contact I was looking for. God, why is he my only way to Carmen? I sighed and stood up from the bed. "I'll have to take this out in the hallway. I'll be back in a minute." Before he could protest, I walked out of the room. I leaned against the wall and clicked the call button for that contact. I heard it ring two times before the person picked up.

"Hello? Rouge?"

"Yeah, it's me. As much as I hate to say this, I need your help, Mephiles."

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