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Shadow's POV:

"What did you find out?"

"Shadow, you are not seriously calling me at one in the morning? You should be sleeping!" Rouge answered the phone obviously annoyed. I kinda had it coming to me called her that early, but when it comes to Sonic, I don't care.

"Well, if you would've came back to the house as soon as you got the information, we wouldn't be having this conversation at this time."

"Why can't you just wait until we get there at nine?" She whined.

"Because that's eight hours from now, Rouge. If Logan was kidnapped in five minutes, who know what will happen to him in the next hour or so? We have no idea what Carmen is planning to do. We need to get to him before it's too late. I'm not going to let this bitch take my family away from me." She was silent for a while. Now, if Rouge being quiet, even if it's for five minutes or so, it could be a good thing or a bad thing. The only way it could be a good thing, which is very rare by the way, is if she's thinking about agreeing with me. It could be 'bad silence' if she's doing her "anger exercises" by counting to twenty, but ending up lashing out anyway.

"You're right." Huh?


"You heard me the first time, Shadow. I'm not going to repeat myself."

"Yeah. I mean- I heard you the first time. I'm just not quite sure I understand. What exactly am I right to?"

"You're pushing it, Hedgehog." I smiled. The first true smile I think I've had since my panic attack. I wanted so badly to make the smile go away. It feels weird to smile when Sonic is missing. I feel like he's my existence for living and since he's gone, why should I enjoy the happiness? But part of me doesn't want the smile to go away, like it's a sign of hope that Sonic will be back in my arms and the twins healthy as ever.

"Yeah. I know. I guess I'm just surprised that you didn't put up a fight. I was getting ready to argue and everything. What made you change your mind?"

"Because if I were in your shoes, I wouldn't rest until the bastard paid for taking away my family. I would be there standing over him, watching him, waste his last breaths begging for mercy and forgiveness. It would be my goal to make sure he'd rather face the devil, than to face me." Damn. "I'll be over there in five. Have your laptop up and running."

She hung up the phone before I could even say anything. Stepping into action, I dropped the phone back on the nightstand and walked to the desk where my laptop was. I unplugged it from the charger and headed downstairs. Thank God my floors aren't squeaky. To go downstairs from my room, you'd have to pass one of the guest bedrooms. Guess who's staying in there tonight? My Mother. She thought I'd try and leave the house to do work or something, so she said she was going to sleep here tonight to keep an eye on me. Well, ha-ha to her.

I left my laptop on the dining room table and looked out the window next to the door. I saw Rouge walking to the house in all black, well except for the pink and white 'Hello Kitty' slippers. I opened the door as she was walking up the front steps.

"Do I really wanna know why you're wearing those slippers?"

"Look, I'm here aren't I? My slippers have nothing to do with this. Now let me in so we can get this started and come up with a plan." She pushed past and left me in the doorway while she walked toward the dining room. I closed and locked the door and made my way to the dining room when I saw her pull a USB flash drive out of her pocket. I sat in the seat on the left of her and watched as a tan map with two dots and a black pop up on my computer screen.

"Knuckles didn't wanna join us?" She rolled her golden eyes with a small smile.

"You know Knuckles. I tried to get him up, but he complained that he needed his beauty sleep and that I'm better at maps and stuff, so I just let him sleep in. Even if he did want to come, I'm pretty sure half an hour would've passed before we got here."

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