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Oliver's P.O.V

"Let you go? What do you mean?" He kept staring at me with his emerald green eyes. I can see how Shadow loves them. They're way more welcoming and warming than Carmen's hazel brown eyes. I sighed and ran a hand through my loose curls.

"It's a long story–,"

"Then make it short."

"It's really complicated–,"

"I'm really smart. Graduated top of my class in high school and college. Try me." He pushed his half-eaten plate away from him and leaned against the headboard, ears ready to listen to my life story. Why would Carmen want to do this to someone like him? I can see why Shadow would leave Carmen for Sonic. I can see why Shadow would leave Carmen for anyone.

"Finish your food." I pushed the plate back to him. His hand was about to push it back towards me. "Finish your food and I'll tell you what you want to know." He glanced between me and the plate of food. He hesitated at first, but reached for the fork and started eating again. I sighed and made myself comfortable before starting off my story.


I was young. I just turned seventeen when it happened. I was a late bloomer and in the middle of puberty. I wasn't that muscled, but I wasn't much of a weakling either. You could say I was in that place in between. I had also just realized which team I played for and what position I played. In high school, I was the quiet nerd, the one that stood away from all the hype that high school had.

Well, not really stood away, but was pushed out. I was the outcast that stood in the hallway and watched the popular crowd saunter down the hall. I would lean against my locker and just watch and wish I was them. No one caught my attention more than the star quarterback, Alex Conady. Straight guys wanted to be him and girls and gay guys wanted to be with him.

Of course he was obnoxious and thought he could have anyone he wanted and in reality, he could. But when he did catch them, they never stayed for long, maybe for a week. If they're lucky, two. People like me would be lucky to even have a conversation with him for more than 30 seconds. Now that fact right there should leave anyone like me skeptical of why this Adonis sent from the heavens would want to talk to me at all, especially in a room full of people.

Since no one around me seemed to care at all for me, I decided it would be best if I could go to a college far away from here. I applied to one of the best journalism colleges out of the country; all the way in Europe. It was expensive as hell, but I got a scholarship for it. All I had to do was keep that scholarship up until late May and I was out of the country and the Devil's house…

Anyway, I obviously got the scholarship for my good grades and journalism skills. You can say I basically ran the whole newspaper. You'd think that would make me popular right? Wrong. I don't know how, but I think that made me even more unpopular. So, being the head of the newspaper, I was required to attend all the events, which meant I was stuck going to all of the dances, and meets, and games, and all that other stuff. It was one game that would drastically change my life…for the worst.

It was one of the biggest games of the season and we won. Of course the football team, their cheerleading girlfriends and the rest of the popular crowd would attend the after party that was being held at the wide receiver's older brother's club. I don't know how that party would be any different than the all the other parties, but I guess it was because this game was a huge deal. Everyone got invited, even the nerds. I don't know why I went, but I did. It turned out to be the most regretted decision I've ever made.

Pretty much everyone was drunk. Even I was a little tipsy. The punch was spiked of course. What unsupervised teenage party, that's held in a club/bar, doesn't have spiked punch? I had maybe two or three cups. Nothing much. The music, probably because of the alcohol, was starting to get to my head and I went out the side door to get some fresh air. I didn't hear the door shut behind me, so I turned around and there he was, leaning against the door way. Did I mention he was staring right at me? I didn't? Oh. Well. He was. His bright green eyes looked exactly into mine. He started walking towards me and realized I stopped walking when my back was pressed against the brick wall on the other side of the alley.

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