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Shadow's P.O.V

"So, what'd you find out from your source, Rouge?" I picked at the questionable corn that was sitting on my tray over my lap. The plate in front of me was covered with a brown stale brick I was told that was meatloaf, the yellow vomity stuff was labeled as corn, and a tannish colored puddle of guck was called the gravy.

My Mom and Rouge came over to take me home. My doctor said I have to take it easy and lie back for a while. Like hell I am. I need to find my pregnant husband before that psycho bitch Carmen hurts him.

"I didn't get an address or anything, but I did get her brother's cell phone number. I can take that to Peanut and see if he can trace it. It shouldn't take more than a day really, but that's only if he isn't busy." I saw her roll her eyes at me when I chuckled. Peanut, or Shelton, is a friend of Rouge's oldest brother. He's smart as hell and can crack any website or computer and trace any number or email, but it's hard to take the dude seriously when he goes by Peanut.

"At least we have something. I'd rather have a little clue than nothing at all. What time are we going over?" She cocked an eyebrow and stared at me like I started speaking another language.

"Shadow, what do you mean by 'we'? It's just me, Knuckles, Mileens, Silver, and Tails. You need to take it easy, Shadow. You heard what the doctor said." There she goes again, acting like my Mother…even though my actual mother would tell me the same thing, but that's not the point here!

"Since when have you known me to do what someone says? There's no way I'm gonna rest when Sonic is out God knows where in the hands of that crazy psycho bitch! Besides, you're not my Mom and you can't boss me around!"

"But I am," We turned to the doorway when another voice entered the conversation. My Mom was standing in the doorway with a hand on her hip glaring at me. "which means I can boss you around and you have to listen to me. Now, Shadow, I understand that you want Sonic back, we all do, but you can't look for Sonic if you keep ending up in the hospital for not taking care of yourself."

"She's right, Shad. If we wanna find Sonic and the twins, you need to keep your health up."

"Twins? What twins, Shadow? What is she talking about?" Rouge looked between me and my Mom with confusion splayed all over her face.

"Y-you didn't tell her?" I shook my head and turned to my Mom. She had moved from the doorway and to my bedside.

"Mom, the reason me and Sonic called you for lunch was to tell you that he was pregnant with twins." Her brown eyes welled up with tears before she lifted her hand and smacked me on the back of my head. "Ow, Mom! What was that for?"

"For not telling me sooner! I can't believe it! I'm gonna be a grandmother! I have to go tell your father– Wait. Do his parents know?"

"Yeah. We told them a couple of days ago." I told her while I was trying to rub the stinging pain away from my head.

"Not that, Shadow. I mean do they know that he's missing?" I stopped rubbing the back of my head and stared at Rouge. Her surprised expression matched mine as we realized both of us forgot to tell them. Well, at least I have an excuse.

"I must've forgotten to call them yesterday! They must be worried out of their minds! Sonic told me he wanted you two to stop by their hotel last night. I have to go call them." She raced out of the room with her cell phone in her hand dialing the number. I turned back to my Mom to see her smiling at me with glassy eyes. I can tell she was trying hard not to cry.

"Mom? Why are you crying?"

"They're happy tears, mijo. I just can't believe one of my sons is going to be a father."

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