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Shadow's POV

My world practically crashed and burned right in front of me. My best friend, my lover, my husband isn't in my arms. Instead he's in the arms of one of the most dangerous woman in the nation. She has the most three important things in the world to me. He knows exactly what to do to get what she wants. There's no way I could win.

"Shadow? Shadow, are you there?" I closed my eyes and shook my head even though I knew she couldn't see me.

"Yeah, I'm here. Look, call everyone and tell them to meet up at my house," I quickly hung up my phone before I could give her any time to respond to my command.

"What's wrong, mijo?" I looked at my Mom as she studied me with worry and concern in her eyes. I couldn't keep it together as the tears started to fall.

"He has Sonic, Mami. He has my Sonic," I cried into my hands. She scooted her chair beside me and threw her arm around my shoulder. She rubbed my back as the sobs shook my body. This is the hardest I cried since…ever.

"Sh, it's okay, Shadow. You'll get him back," I started shaking my head.

"No! I-I can't, Mami! I-I ca-can't win with her!" My hand pressed against my chest as I started hyperventilating. My oxygen started coming in short breaths. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on Sonic and the happy times we had. I remembered our first date, our first kiss, our first time, when I proposed to him. Then I thought about our wedding, when we brought the house, when we got married, our honeymoon. Now this happens. Everything is going downhill. This wasn't supposed to happen. I'm supposed to have the perfect life; not have everything slip between my fingers.

Oh my God.

What about the babies? What if one of them gets hurt? What if both of them get hurt? What am I gonna do? This is my family; my life! All of a sudden, my heart started pounding and my chest felt tight; like all the air in my chest is being pulled out of me. I closed my eyes harder as I focused on how to get my breathing under control.

"Mami, what's happening? I can't breathe. Mami, make it stop,"

"Shadow, you have to calm down, okay? You're having a panic attack. We have to get you to a hospital," She explained as she helped me up from the seat. I could hear the people around us whispering as the sirens of the Ambulance get louder. I know we're finally outside when I felt a gust of wind brush past my face. I crack my eyes open just for a bit and see the doors of the Ambulance opened and ready for me to enter.

"Sir, we're going to need you to try and open your eyes," One of the EMT's told me as they helped me in. I nodded my head and tried my best to open my eyes. Even though my head was telling me to open, my chest kept telling me to close them tighter and don't let them open until Sonic is back in my arms.

"Open your eyes, Sweetheart, for me," My eyes snapped open and searched the small area of the truck for Sonic's voice. My breathing was still ragged and my body started shaking.

"Sonic, where are you?" I cried out. My Mami's eyes were glassy and her nose was red. Tear after tear slipped out of her eyes as she kept a firm grip on my hand.

"Sonic's not here, Shadow," She sobbed. No. She's lying. I just heard his voice. My husband is here and I need him now.

"Yes he is! I just heard him. He told me to open my eyes. Now where is he? Where is he! I want Sonic!" I cried. My hand slipped out of my Mami's and I started to try and sit up; forgetting the fact that my breath was short. The two EMTs looked at each other apprehensively before the muscular of the two reached in one of the compartments behind him and pulled out a syringe with a clear liquid in it. He turned to me and stared into me with his light grey eyes.

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