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A Couple of Hours Later:

(Skip to 8 pm)

"Is everything set up?" I asked Rouge through the phone.

"Yep. Me and Knuckles are leaving now. I have a good feeling about this, Shadow,"

"Me too, Rouge, me too," I turned my head to the staircase when I heard someone coming down the stairs. "Rouge, he's coming downstairs. We should be there in about 15 minutes," I quickly hung up the phone and turned around to the doorway of the kitchen. I gave Sonic a wide smile.

"Hi!" He lifted an eyebrow.

"Uh, hi," I stepped aside as he walked pass me to the fridge. About two hours ago, me and Sonic came back home. Of course, I had one of the alarm systems installed before we came back. Anything to make my Sonic feel better…at least I hope he's still my Sonic.

"Um, Sonic?" He stops looking in the fridge and turns to me. "Do you think you could put on some shoes?"

"…Why?" He asked.

"I, um, wanna take you somewhere tonight,"

"Shadow, I really don't feel like going out ton-,"

"Sonic, could you just please come with me? It's important," He stayed silent for a while before he closed the fridge and walked out of the kitchen. I turned around and watched him walk out; not sure if that was a yes or a no. As I was about to pull out my phone and tell Rouge to cancel the surprise, Sonic walks back in with his sneakers and jacket on.

"Well, are we going or not?" I smiled a little and followed him out the door and into the car. Before I started the car, I pulled a bandana out of my pocket and handed it to him. "What is this?"

"I need you to put this on,"

He sighed and rolled his eyes, "Shadow, I'm not putting that on. I don't feel like it. You're lucky I'm even letting you take to wherever it is you're taking me!"

"Please, Sonic? It's a surprise," I gave him the best puppy dog eyes I could muster. He rolled his eyes again, maybe he's been hanging around Rouge too long, and snatched the bandana form my hand. After he tied it around his eyes, I put the keys in the ignition and started off.

Instead of 15 minutes, we got there in about 20. I parked the car and got out. I jogged to Sonic's side and opened the door. I helped him out of the car, but he snatched himself out of my grasp when he got out. I closed the door and took a deep breath.

"Sonic, in order for us to get there, I have to lead you there as in hold your arm," Even though he has on a blindfold or whatever you wanna call it, I could basically hear him rolling his eyes.

"Fine," He stuck out his hand and I took it. I grabbed the flashlight I stuffed in my pocket and started walking. After turning many, many corners, I stopped in front of our destination and let go of his head. I stepped behind him and set my hands on the knot he tied.


"Yea, I guess," I took off the blindfold and stuffed it in my back pocket.

"Well? What do you think?" He took a look around with his mouth a little open.


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