Chapter 2

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Jimin's body goes completely numb at the sight of AllKpop's newest posts. The ones about him and Yoongi. The ones about the sex tape and about Yoongi having been the one to leak it and about the rumors of Yoongi even cheating on him.

All at once, everything seems to begin moving around him as his phone lights up with another call from Yoongi. He doesn't have the chance to really answer the call though, being dragged away from the wing and into the dressing room.

"Jimin, oh my gosh. Are you okay? I saw everything on Twitter, I can't believe that asshole would do that to you." Taemin exclaims as he comes bursting through Jimin's dressing room door. The younger numbly looks up at the elder, not even realizing the tears slowly beginning to trickle down his cheeks.

"You don't really think Yoongi hyung would do something like that, do you? I mean-I mean he loves me. He's said so." Jimin whispers, tearing his gaze away from the elder as he glances back down at the phone still buzzing from Yoongi repeatedly calling him.

"Jimin, come on. I'm your best friend, aren't I? Would I lie to you? I was never the biggest fan of that jackass. I always thought he was just a little sketchy and that he never really gave you the time he deserved. And what? Wasn't today your guys' third year together? Seems like convenient timing to me that he'd do something like this. Although, I wouldn't have pegged him to both be a cheater and leak your guys sex time." Taemin tells Jimin in a serious tone as he moves to take a seat beside him.

"B-But he-he said he loves me. It's Yoongi hyung. I know hyung. He-he wouldn't hurt me like this." Jimin whimpers quietly, laying his head on the other's shoulder.

"I wouldn't trust him, Jimin. Yoongi's never really seemed like a great guy to me. You could've easily been blinded to all of this just because of how much you care for him." Taemin says gently, rubbing the younger's back. Jimin whimpers louder at this, beginning to break down and cry.

"Here. Let me have this, and let me help you. Okay? It's all gonna be okay, and I'll do everything I can to help you. Alright?" The elder tells the other as he carefully slides the phone out of his hand. Jimin just gives in and allows it, watching as Taemin unlocks his phone and goes to his contacts, watching as the older boy blocks Yoongi's contact.

Jimin swallows harder before breaking down even further, feeling overwhelmed and still stunned by everything that's happened.

"FUCK!" Yoongi screams as his voice breaks, his cheeks rosy with tears.

Refusing to give up, Yoongi calls Jimin's phone number again, still pacing the dressing room that he's not been able to find himself leaving yet.

"I'm sorry, the number you have dialed can no longer be reached."

Yoongi's eyes widen desperately as he stares down at the device in his hands, lips parted. Feeling more nervous than before, the brunette attempts once more to call the younger, receiving the same message as before.

It's what finally makes him crack, collapsing onto the couch in the room and curling up as he dials Namjoon.

"Hyung! Have you gotten ahold of him yet?" Namjoon questions as soon as he picks up. The elder whimpers loudly, shaking his head.

"He-he b-blocked me, Joon. He fucking blocked me. I can't- I can't fucking believe this. What the hell am I supposed to do? I-I've lost him! Joonie-"

"Hyung, stop. Stop this. I know you're upset and hurt right now, but you need to breathe. You need to calm the fuck down and breathe, alright?" Namjoon scolds calmly. The elder doesn't bother arguing, simply collapsing in on himself as he begins sobbing uncontrollably.

"How-How the hell am I supposed to get back, Joonie? He-he was the one who got me flying. He-he's the only reason I've been able to set foot on any airplane. The-there's no way I'll be able to get back." Yoongi cries softly.

"Fuck, okay. I'll call Tae-"

"No! No, don't bother him. Don't bother my brother. Please, let him be." Yoongi mumbles, cutting the other off.

"Goddamn it, you and your protectiveness over him. Fine, I'll call Jin hyung. Okay? It's gonna be alright, I promise." The younger boy mutters before speaking in a comforting tone. Yoongi whimpers but nods, feeling more lost and alone than ever before.

Even though he's still crying and Namjoon has ended the call, Yoongi's mind can't quit swirling.

This couldn't really be happening, could it? Jimin loves him. They've exchanged those words so often in the last year ever since Yoongi murmured it so fondly one night when they'd been cuddling while watching a movie. It couldn't have all been a lie, could it? Jiminie wouldn't do this to him, right?

He's the first person to ever fully accept Yoongi for who and what he is aside from his own brother. He's the reason Yoongi had quit smoking and drinking and even cutting. He's the reason Yoongi had gotten his shit together and starting trying to live for something more than his music. He'd met Jimin before Namjoon, had been the first one in Yoongi's life to ever really stay other than his brother.

What the hell is Yoongi to do if the love of his life, the man that means the most to him, the one he's been living for, leaves him for good?

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