The Feeling

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That dream.. I brushed it off as a joke, but what if it wasn't? What if my brain was telling me something that I was too oblivious to see.

I really shouldn't be thinking about this right now, it's getting dark. As I'm walking through the forest that connects my house to Lexi's all by myself. I'm gonna freak myself out. Just keep walking the trail that goes from her house straight to my backyard. Well almost straight to it. There's this hole that goes deep in the ground next to my house, I either have to jump it or walk another twenty minutes around to the front. Crack

I turn around fast and look around quickly. No one's there.

"Hello?" I call out.

No answer.. Maybe it is best to walk the main streets today.


Oh my god, what the hell was that? Nope. Nope, I'm done. I'm good. Screw this. I could see the hole and my house in clear view.

Do I keep walking and listen to this or full out sprint into the forest to my back door? I can practically see the street. Suddenly I feel someone eyes on me. Like I'm being watched.. I take option three and full-out sprint to the street. I make it and look behind me. There's nothing there..? I look down at my phone; 6:56 pm it reads. I continue walking till I reach my home. The door's open. Dad must be home.

"Dad you home?" I call out 

"Yes honey! I'm just in the garage. Dinner's on the stove."

"Ok. Thanks dad!" I yell back, walking over to the stove. I pick up some Mac and cheese, quickly finish it and tell my dad I'm going to my room to pass out because after my day I deserve an early sleep. I look at the clock; 8:30 pm.

I can't wait for tomorrow to come. Ethan is having a costume party and it's also my birthday!! It's almost like he knew. I wonder what could happen tomorrow.

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