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Ouch, my head hurts.. What happened? Am I wearing a blindfold? Why are there ropes on my hands and feet? All I can tell for sure is that I'm definitely in the back seat laying down on my side, my hands tied in front of me and a blanket laid overtop of me. Oh god, where's Ethan? I hope he's all right.. What happened last night?

The truck stopped. I could feel them looking back at me. I stayed very still like I was sleeping. Whoever it was reached back and kissed me on the forehead. Then got out to get something. I sat up and removed the blindfold. I looked outside to see who it was. Liam? Ethan? Who the hell is that? Whoever it was their back was toward me. I need to think what happened last night. Ok, come on Alice, think. I was at the party, Liam seriously pissed me off, so I grabbed Ethan, and went to his truck. There was a loud crash, and I must have hit my head. I reach my hand up nothing, wait no.. A bandage, maybe. I hear a man's voice outside I don't recognize, and see that he's yelling at my abductor. I don't know what they're talking about. Shit, he's coming back. I put the blindfold back on and lay down. Then I hear him say under his scarf he has covering his mouth, "Crap she should be awake by now. It's been two days. I didn't think I put so much sleeping powder in that drink." He removes whatever was covering his mouth and continues. "Alice, you have to wake up soon or you will die of starvation. " Wait that voice you have to be kidding me. Liam is my kidnapper?! I get up to remove the blanket that was on me and my blindfold to say, "What the hell Liam! Why am I tied up?"

He stopped the car on a side road and said, "Oh good you're up. Now, you can eat and get changed. Here." He tosses me a set of clothes and a peanut butter and jam sandwich.. My favourite.

"Liam, what's going on? " I say obviously confused.

"I know you were trying to make me jealous by using Ethan but after our kiss I know you still want me."

"Liam that's not the answer I was looking for."

He got out and joined me in the backseat before saying,    
"I know, and I have a solution to you getting all of the answers."

"Can I have some aspirin first? My head's pounding." I say trying to find anything around me to identify where I am. Nothing.

"Of course anything for you love." He grabs a bottle and passes me two. I dry swallow them.

"Liam I want answers now. " I say firmly, almost harshly.

"You have gotten even feistier than the last time we met. Let's play a little game."  

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