4. Mack Attack

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"Hey pretty girl," Anthony greeted me as Chris and I approached the table where he was sitting at.

"What's up Mack Attack?" I asked as he pulled me into a hug and I gave him a tight squeeze right back. The thing is when Chris started working with both Anthony and Sebastian I was able to create my own bond with each of them. Anthony over the years has become like a third brother to me and he treats me as his little sister since his sisters are older than him.

"Just trying to pawn off my kids," he said causing me to laugh. His sons are honestly miniature versions of him and I find it hilarious, because he pretends to hate it but we all know he loves it.

"Give them to me. I shall take owner ship of the three Mackie children," I declared and he laughed in response.

"All yours. Now let's go get white girl wasted....no offense," he quickly followed up and I rolled my eyes before heading straight to the bar to get myself a drink leaving the boys to fend for themselves.

"A pink taco, please?" I asked once at the bar and the bar tender turned around and gave me a smile. It was clear to me that one of two things were about to happen. He was going to flirt with me, or try and sleep with me. Maybe even a little of both. It was also clear to me that as soon as Anthony or Chris saw it their over protective nature would kick in, and this misguided college student would have a reign of terror brought down upon him by old and new captain America. Even though I knew all this there was nothing I could do to stop it.

"I'd love to have your..." he started off before I felt an arm go around my waist and a kiss placed onto my cheek.

"Hey babe," I heard Sebastian's voice from next to me and I internally rolled my eyes while also hoping that they didn't roll on the outside as well. "Did you get out drinks?"

"Just ordered mine. You didn't tell me that you wanted anything, or else I would've ordered for you," I said back to him with a partially fake and partially real smile.

"Well, make that two pinks tacos," Seb said to the bartender before he turned around with an eye roll to make our drinks. Sebastian was looking around with his arm still around me.

"Thought you weren't coming out tonight," I stated bringing his attention back down to me.

"If I do recall correctly, I did say that I was undecided last time we talked. But I've now clearly decided. Any other questions?" Seb asked me.

"One. Why the fake boyfriend act?"

"Would you have rather dealt with creepy ass bartender guy?" Seb asked while staring him down as he started to make our drinks. I just shrugged my shoulders and he laughed before pulling me into a hug and kissing my cheek.

"Just messing with you," he whispered just as the bartender arrived back with our drinks. Seb gave him smile, gave him a name for the tab, picked up both drinks and the two of us were one our way back to Chris and Anthony.

"What took so long?" Chris asked as I took the empty seat next to him.

"Your best friend was trying to scare off the bartender,"

"The bartender was trying to hit on your baby sister," Sebastian said at the same time as me and Anthony just laughed.

"And you stopped him? Do you know when the last time she had a date was?" Anthony questioned and I just rolled my eyes at him before taking a sip of my drink. I felt Sebastian's eyes on me, but just shrugged it off.

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