15. Any Night

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"Is it bad that I really don't want to have this halloween party anymore?" I asked my friends as we all were laying about in different parts in my bedroom. Trevor and I are in my bed and my head is resting on his lap while his is resting on one of my pillows.

"Yeah, next to Christmas, Halloween is your favorite holiday," Andy said from my window seat where he was dangling upside down.

"I know, but with everything going on. I don't know...it just doesn't feel right to celebrate,"

"It doesn't feel right to celebrate, because your ex-boyfriend invited you to the baby shower for his child? Now you're letting him have power over you, and I know you're not that type of bitch. Sooo let's try this again. Why don't you want to have the party?" Charlie asked from the full sized air mattress located next to my bed.

"Because Halloween was our holiday together. I don't know. The invite kind of just brought up all the old feelings and memories and I wasn't prepped for them to come back," I explained as I felt my phone, that was resting on my stomach, vibrate.

"Then let's create new and better Halloween memories to replace the ones with jackass," Andy suggested as I read over the text that I had just received from Sebastian.

Wanna be the Red Riding Hood to my Ax man or Wolf?

Tiny Evans😝
Oofs. I already promised my sugar daddy we'd go as Bonny and Clyde😂😂😂

Oh yeah? And who would that be?

Tiny Evans😝

I'm sure I'd make a better one than anyone could ever be😘😝

Tiny Evans😝
And this. This is why we can't have nice things Stan😂
But....is this you offering to be my sugar daddy???

Maybe...maybe not🤷🏻‍♂️🤐

Tiny Evans😝
Hit me up when you have a serious offer on the table😂😘

"Maybe, I don't know. Plus I've kind of been pushing off the planning and by pushing it off I mean I've done nothing at all for it,"

"Sounds about right. Well, leave the planning to me and all will be right once again," Trevor said looking down at me with a wink and I rolled my eyes whole laughing.

"You sure you can handle throwing a Halloween party to the Evan's level?" I asked sitting up and crossing my legs while tossing my phone up and down.

"Are you doubting the Trev Man's ability to be an amazing party planner?" Trevor asked in mock disbelief while our friends laughed.

"One hundred percent, but I'll give you the change to prove to me other wise," I stated with a shrug and he held a smug smile on his face before the four of us drifted off to talks of what our costumes will be this year. At around eight the three of them left leaving me home alone to my thoughts, so I took the time to work on a song until my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked answering without even looking at who the caller was,"

"What would you say if I said I had a pizza and Endgame in hand?" Sebastian's voice greeted me on the other end.

"Oof, I'm not sure. I might take the pizza, but not sure about the rollercoaster right that Endgame would take me on. What if we watched After instead?" I questioned while standing up and going to put my gutair away for the night.

"I know what it's about and it's a no for me. What if we watched Sausage Party?" he asked and I rolled my eyes while walking to my closet.

"Okay horn dog," I responded with a chuckle.

"What?" he asked.

"I think we both know why you want to watch the movie. I understand that all the sexual innuendoes turn you on, but I'm not in the mood for sexual activity tonight Mr. Stan," I stated in a serious tone even though I was only messing with him, and he caught onto that.

"Damn, you saw right through my plan Miss. Evans. What will I do now?" he said followed by a laugh as I looked for one of Scott's shirts that I stole.

"I don't know, but that's for you to figure out," I responded with a laugh.

"Well, I'll be thinking about it the whole ten minutes it take until I'm at your house. See ya later," and without waiting for a 'goodbye' or even a 'Yeah, come over' he hung up. This has become our usual and honestly I'm not sure how I'll handle it when he leaves town and goes back to New York.


"Okay, so how are you really feeling? I know that when Chris was here you were putting on a fake smile and acting like everything is fine. I'm not your big brother, Evie. You can open up to me about this," Sebastian said as the end credits for CoCo played on the TV screen.

"Since when have you called me Evie?" I asked.

"Since when have you avoided answering questions?" he shot back followed by a moment of silence before I spoke.

"It's rough. The man who I thought I was going to spend forever with, is having a baby with my high school best friend," I said instantly realizing that I let it sleep out.

"Wait, he's having a baby with Taylor?" he asked and I slowly nodded my head. Anyone that knew me in high school knew that Taylor and I were almost as inseparable as Charlie and I are. "That's fucked up and I'm sorry, Evie."

"Life's fucked up." I mumbled with a shrug picking up the remote and stopping the credits so we could pick a different movie to watch.

"I know, but still. Wish I could beat his ass for you," Sebastian said and I gave him a weak smile before leaning into his side as his arms wrapped around me.

"Just being here is helping me enough...soooo time to figure out our next movie," I said not bothering to move out of his comfortable grasp on me.

"Let's do it then,Evie," he said and after a bit of scrolling I spoke up again.

"Evie. I like it, Bashie,"

"If Anthony ever hears you call me Bashie he won't let me live it down," he said with a laugh.

"Noted," I responded before landing on The Grinch, Bendryal Cucumber's version, and pressing play. As the movie went on we both ended up laying down in my bed. My head was on his chest, his arms were around my waist, with his chin resting on the top of my head. If I said I wasn't enjoying it, that would be a lie. If I said I never wanted this to happen again, that would be an utter and complete lie. This right here is what I needed tonight, and honestly every night.

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