46. About Last Night

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Sebastian's P.O.V

Chris had talked me into going to a bar with him as I waited for Christa to get out of rehearsal. Within that time frame both of our phones ended up dying and I didn't know the time until we got back in Chris' car and saw that it was past midnight.

"Fuck! We need to go to the theatre," I said getting in the driver's seat since Chris had been drinking. I put my phone on the charger and once we were both buckled I began to drive. Thirty minutes later when we for there I got out the car and ran to the doors and the lights were off and doors were locked. I looked around and didn't see Christa anywhere and my heart started to race. I fucked up big time.

"You have a few missed calls," Chris said holding up my phone to me. I had five missed calls from her and ten unread text from her as well. The last text stated that Charlie was taking her home, so I rushed to Chris' house and while Chris was getting out the car I hurried to the door and used his house key to get in.

"Evie?" I shouted and didn't get a response so I left the keys on the table near the door and went upstairs to her room. When I opened the door I heard music and found her peacefully asleep. I let out a sigh of relief, but the guilt of forgetting her was still there. That's something you really can't take back, and I'm lowkey not excited for the talk about this tomorrow morning.


When I woke up the next morning Christa wasn't anywhere to be found in her room or the bathroom and I sighed. I rolled over and found a note placed on top of my phone.

Good morning, hope you slept well. I'm not mad about last night. See you when I get back.

XOXO~ Evie

"Shit," I mumbled to myself before rolling back over so my face was pressed into her pillow.

"You good man?" Chris asked peaking in.

"Yeah. I'm gonna run home and shower and all the fund stuff. I'll text you later," I said with a sigh standing up out of her bed and taking my phone off the extra charger she has in her room. I put my shoes, pants, and shirt on before heading downstairs and out to my car. I backed out and within fortyish minutes I was back in my LA house and I went straight to the bathroom and showered. As I walked out with a towel around my waist my phone was ringing and I hurried over to it thinking that it was Christa, but it ended up being my mom.

"Hi, Mama," I said answering while I sat down on my bed.

"What are you doing this weekend?" she asked me and I laughed.

"I'm in LA. Christabelle has a show this weekend," I reminded her.

"Right! How is she?" she asked me.

"She's doing pretty well. We're taking things slowly, but we're doing well," I said with a smile.

"That's great!" she exclaimed. "Well since we're in LA this doesn't really matter anymore. Te iubesc,"

"I love you too. Bye," I said and once I hung up a FaceTime call came through and it was Christa.

"What's going on baby doll?" I asked upon answering and she rolled her eyes while laughing.

"Are you really shirtless, right now?" she asked through her laughs.

"I just got out of the shower. Don't blame me," I said with a laugh and she smiled back. "I'm sorry about last night," I said with a slight frown.

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