28. My Rock

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"Going to the airport, be back soon," Chris said randomly standing up from his spot the couch from where the whole family was chilling. All my siblings, niece, and nephews are staying in my childhood home with my parents so it's family overload right now.

"I wanna go!" I whined as Stella sat cuddled up on my lap. I absolutely adore my niece and nephews and they're my favorite part about my summers when I'm home.

"We're going to get our nails done in thirty minutes," Cary said from my dad's lazyboy since he's at work. When dad is at work is when the warfare for the lazyboy comes out, and this time Carls happened to win.

"Then just kidding, Topher. Who are you going to get anyways? We're all here," I pointed out to him. The only person he could be getting is Zach, but he's spending Thanksgiving with his family and then Christmas with us.

"Joey is coming to spend Thanksgiving with us this year," Mom explained with a smile as she entered the room and picked up Miles and scooted him over on the couch.

"Nice. Whelp see ya when you get back then," I said as Chris headed out the door.


"Do you wanna be in charge of the sides or the deserts this year?" My mom asked about three hours later as we walked back into the house and I was giving Stella a piggy back ride. We've been deciding who will be in charge of what for Thanksgiving. Shan already called dibs on the table setting so it was between the sides and deserts for Carly and I.

"I mean, I'd rather do deserts, but I'm cool with either," I said setting Stella down so she could run off in search of her brothers.

"I'm cool with sides," Carly said with a shrug taking off her coats and boots in the doorway.

"Perfect! Well make a list of what you guys need and then when your dad gets home we'll go to the store and get them for you," mom said before kissing my cheek and heading upstairs. I took off my coat and shoes then walked into the kitchen where I found Scott, Ethan, and Ryan sitting.

"Chris back yet?" I asked getting a water out of the fridge.

"Not yet," Ryan said handing his son a slice of an apple that he just cut as I took my phone out of my back pocket to text Chris asking him to pick up twizzlers for me while he was out.

"I'm gonna go take a nap, but can one of you wake me up when they get here please?" I asked and the three nodded their heads as I pressed send and headed upstairs to my room and plopped into bed. I set the water bottle on my night stand and then went to my music and went to my Ed Sheeran playlist and the first song that played after I hit shuffle was "Kiss Me".

As the song played I laid in bed staring at my ceiling as I slowly drifted off to sleep. When I woke up I was startled to feel a pair of arms wrapped around me. When I turned I was greeted with the sleeping face of Sebastian Stan. I'm not sure if it was me just waking up or if I'm just always confused, but a BIG wave of confusion washed over me. Before I began to question it too too much I decided to just cuddle in his arms and go back to sleep so I could worry about it much later.

The next time I woke up Sebastian was awake and was taking selfies, but on my phone.

"You know, it's not polite to take pictures of someone while they're sleeping," I mumbled not bothering to move.

"Good thing I'm not polite," Sebastian said with a wink before kissing the top of my head.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I said with a tired smile, "What are you doing here anyways?"

"Chris called, said he booked me a flight, and told me not to miss it. Now I'm here ready to spend Thanksgiving with my favorite Evans sibling," he said as I shifted so I was sitting up.

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