45. Out Like a Light

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"Break a leg, and I'll pick you up at lunch," Sebastian said the next morning as he dropped me off in front of the theatre. He packed me oranges, apples, a ton of water, and cheese and crackers in one of his lunch boxes this morning in hopes of it lasting me until our lunch break.

"Sounds good, but I think I'm gonna see if I send Chris money if he'll go out and get food for the whole cast and crew," I said and he nodded his head.

"Just text me and let me know the plan," he said before leaning over the consul and giving me a kiss.

"Will do. Bye, Bashie," I mumbled before bringing my lips to meet his again. I got out and opened the door to his back seat, I grabbed my backpack, my dance bag, and Sebastian lunchbox before closing the door and heading in.

Over the next few hours we began the teach process and anyone who's experience a tech weekend knows that the first half of the first day is the relaxed part. We basically just had a makeup workshop and for me it ended pretty quickly, I was only there for an hour. But since I didn't drive my asked I sent a text to Sebastian letting him know that I'm gonna ask Chris to get everything for mentor lunch so he didn't have to come get me.

Things between Seb and I are going pretty well. We've decided that for both of our sake and our sanity that we're gonna work on communication this time around. We're also gonna take it slow and not force ourselves into a label too soon.

About an hour later as I sat in the lobby working on homework with my friends; Alena, Alexis, and Korben; Sebastian walked in closely followed by Chris and they each had three bags of take out in their hands.

"What a pleasant surprise," I said approaching them and giving Seb a kiss.

"Mhmm, Chris called asking for help so I couldn't turn it down," Sebastian said with a smile as I lead them to the green room.

"What about me? Where's my kiss?" Chris asked in a mocking tone and I rolled my eyes before standing up on my tippy toes and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Thanks," he said with a smile and I rolled my eyes. Once in the green room they set the bags down on the table.

"I'll get the last ones out of the car," Chris said before jogging out of the green room leaving Sebastian and I alone.

"Come here and give me a proper kiss," Seb said putting his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him and I put my arms around his shoulder and gave him a kiss that lasted more than a few moments. I wasn't afraid about anyone walking in on us, because as a department we support each other and they'd never expose our whatever we have going on.

"So, how's it going?" he asked as we both moved to start to unpack the first six bags onto the tables that our production manager, Ryan, brought in there after I gave him the heads up that I was having lunch brought in for the whole production team.

"Pretty good, just had a makeup workshop and now working on some homework," I explained just as Chris entered the room again.

"Who's the blonde out there?" he asked me looking a little frazzled.

"What did she do?" I asked cringing a little.

"Let's just say she knows my ass very well at this point," he said and I groaned leaning into Sebastian and he laughed.

"I'll talk to her about it later," I said and he nodded his head before he came and joined us in unpacking the bags. Once everything was unpacked Chris had to use the restroom so while he did that Sebastian and I walked out to the car hand in hand.

"Are you still coming home with me after I pick you up?" he asked and I shook my head.

"Nah, I think I'm gonna go home tonight, but you can come spend the night," I said looking up at him.

"Sounds good, I'll pack a bag when I get home," he said as we let go of each other's hand so we could give each other a proper goodbye hug.

"Perfect!," I mumbled before standing he stooped down a little in order to give me a kiss. Once Chris was back at the car I gave him a hug as well, and then they were off to do whatever they had planned for their afternoon together. The rest of my day seemed to drag on, but that's honestly just how tech is. During one of our breaks I went and bugged Charlie, since she's the stage manager, and she asked me for updates on me and Sebastian. I filled her in and as I did her eyes lit up.

"I love this for you. This is good for you," she said leaning over to hug me and then promptly ending it to give the whole crew their two minute warning over the god-mic.

Once the day was over I waited for Charlie to be done with her paperwork and everything before the two of us headed out of the theatre. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 11:20pm and was looking for a text from Sebastian, but I didn't have any. That honestly made me nervous because he usually always texts me when he's here.

"Hey, you good?" Charlie asked as she finished locking up the theatre.

"Yeah, just looking for Bash," I said as I looked in the parking lot and didn't see his car or Chris'.

"Want me to wait with you?" she asked and I shook my head.

"No, you have to be here early tomorrow. I'm sure he's on his way," I said giving her a final hug. She gave me a questioning look and I just gave her a reassuring smile.

"Okay, but text me as soon as you're in that mans car and if he's not here in twenty minutes call me and I'm coming to get you," she said sternly and I nodded my head before coming and taking a seat on a bench. I waited and I waited for thirty minutes and within those thirty minutes I tried texting and calling him, but it went to voicemail. I did the same with Chris and ended up with the same result.

"I'm gonna rip his fucking balls off," Charlie grumbled as she drove me home twenty minutes later.

"Not needed," I said and she just rolled her eyes. When I got home I only saw Sebastian's car in the driveway, but since they were in Chris' car earlier I wasn't surprised. "Thanks Angel," I said kissing her cheek before grabbing my bags and entering the house. I was too lazy to carry them all upstairs so I left them downstairs. I took a shower, changed into pajamas, put my phone on the charger, hair in a bun, and got under the covers. Within ten minutes I was out like a light.

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