21. Proper Date

931 14 1

"You got this babes," Trevor said as we stood in line for Sebastian's VIP photo op. Seb and I haven't spoken since that phone call. It was Mackie's idea for me to fly out and surprise him and apologize to him. Trevor just decided to tag alone since Charlie is in New York helping Scarlett with some wedding plans for the weekend.

"I hope so, because if not...I don't think Seb will talk to me for a while. Man can hold a grudge," I said playing with my hair in order to try and distract myself at least a little bit, while also trying to hide my face. Thankfully Trev and I got here early enough so that we were at the very front of the line, so not many fans have noticed us (if any).

"Nobody can hold a grudge with you. You're too cute for that," he said putting an arm around my shoulders and I laughed resting my head on his shoulder. We stood like that for a few moments before the workers came out and approached us. "Go get your mans," Trevor whispered in my ear after my badge was hole punched. I gave him nervous smile before heading into the booth with my head down.

"Hi, how wou-" Sebastian started to say only stoping after I looked up at him and met his eyes. "What are you doing here Christa?" he asked in shock.

"Well, someone invited me here and I thought it'd be rude to turn him down. So, I was thinking we could pose however you wanted to," I said rocking back and forth on my heel.

"Sounds good to me," he said just as a worker was approaching us to hurry us up. I stepped closer to him and he put his arms around my shoulders so they were dangling in front of me. I took ahold of his hands and the two of us smiled for the camera.

"Find me later, I'll text you," he whispered in my ear before giving my cheek a kiss and then releasing me. As he let me go Trevor walked in and did a super dramatic pose.

"You brought Trev with you?" Sebastian asked with a laugh.

"It was either I tag along or she wasn't coming love boy," Trevor responded and Sebastian just laughed.

"I'll see you later," I responded walking out and heading over to the printer to get my picture. While waiting I was approached my a girl who looked to be about sixteen.

"Are you Christabelle Evans?" she asked and I nodded my head. "Oh my gosh! Would it be okay if we get a picture together?"

"Of course, but could you wait until the end of the day to post it?"

"Sure!" she exclaimed before taking out her phone and the two of us took a selfie.

"So, are you here to see Sebastian?" I asked her as she put her phone back in her pocket.

"I wish, but I my parents couldn't really afford for me to see him," she said and I felt bad.

"Well, I have two more photo ops that I bought for him if you'd like both as well as my vip pass that still has an autograph session on it," I said taking the badge off and giving her a smile.

"Are you serious right now?" she asked with her eyes lighting up.

"As a heart attack," I responded and she took them and then hugged me.

"Thank you! You're officially the better Chris Evans," she said and I laughed before taking out my phone.

"Would you mind saying that on a FaceTime call with Christopher?" I asked and I swear she was about to faint as she nodded her head.


"So what's this I hear about you giving a fan your badge," Sebastian asked later that night as he, myself, and Trevor were walking down the Houston sidewalk in hopes of figuring out somewhere to eat.

"I didn't need them anymore, so why not give it to someone who wants to see you and doesn't have the same opportunities that I do?" I replied with a shrug as he slung his arm around my shoulder as I held onto Trevor's hand.

"You're so selfless. Now show me the selfies you took with your first love," he said and I got super excited remembering my interaction with Milo Ventimiglia earlier in the day. When I say that man is prime Daddy material, I mean that with every aspect of my being. He could impregnant me any day of the week and I wouldn't complain the whole nine months. Too far, I know.

"Our wedding is Sunday, feel free to just give us money," I said as I showed him the pictures and Sebastian just laughed before placing a kiss at the top of my head.

"Right, but what if I got you guys 'his and hers' towel sets?"

"Only if they're in blue and green," I responded with a wink.

"I think I can arrange something," Sebastian said letting go of me as we continued to walk.

"What colors do you want for our set, Seb?" Trevor asked him with a wink. Trevor's favorite thing in the world is to flirt with both Sebastian and Chris because they both just go along with it instead of getting weird about it.

"Could we get a gray and purple set?" Sebastian asked looking down at me.

"I think I can arrange something," I responded stealing his words to give him an answer.

"How kind," Trevor said kissing my cheek and I just laughed. An hour later we're halfway through dinner and Trevor had to step out, for a phone call from his dad, leaving Sebastian and I at the secluded table alone.

"About what I said on the phone, it was stupid and I'm sorry," I said after a few minutes of awkwardness.

"It's fine, Evie. I know where you were coming from and I know there was no malice to be had," he said scooting closer to me in the booth we were sharing.

"Are you sure?" I asked looking up at him.

"Positive," he responded while maintaining eye contact with me before slowly leaning down and eventually giving me a slow peck on my lips, which lead to a few other pecks being shared between the two of us.

"Am I interrupting something?" Trevor asked with a smirk as he slid into the booth across from us.

"Nothing at all," I said to him with a smile as I took whole of Sebastian's hand underneath the table. After dinner the three of us headed back to our hotel and while Trevor went to have a swim, Sebastian came to mine and Trevor's room so the two of us could have a movie night.

"Hey, Evie?" Sebastian asked from my bed as I was in the bathroom changing.

"What's up?" I questioned poking my head out of the bathroom.

"I was wondering if you'd go on a proper date with me," Sebastian asked a littler nervously.

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