49. Lucky to Love You

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May 9th

Today's the day I finally graduate!!!! For the past month things between Sebastian and I have been going really well. He's adjusting to the life of being a new dad, since the DNA test did confirm that he's Anthony's dad. Chris' house is currently filled with my parents and siblings so I've been staying with Sebastian that way someone can stay in my room. 

"Seb, have you seen my cap?" I asked him as I dug through my bag for the fifth time that morning. 

"Are you sure you packed it?" he asked walking into the room with Anthony is his arms as he fed him a bottle. They're still figuring out custody arrangements, but so far Yasmin hasn't kept his son away from him. 

"I think so," I said looking up at him in distress. 

"Okay, well you keep looking and I'll call Chris to see if he sees it around the house," he responded and I nodded my head before going back and looking in another one of my bags. Ten minutes later as I was giving up all hope Sebastian walked back into the room with a smile. 

"Good news, you left it at your place. Chris said he can either bring it to you now, or he can just bring it when we meet up at the stadium," 

"Can you ask him to bring it now, please?" I asked and he nodded his head before taking his phone out and starting to type. As he did that I went back into the bathroom and started to curl my hair so that I wouldn't end up running too late. 


"We did it bitches! We're graduated!" Trevor exclaimed as the four of us got ready in Charlie's room later that night. My brothers, Charlie's brothers, Scarlett, and Sebastian all got together and planned a grad party tonight for the four of us. Sebastian is currently dropping off Anthony with Yasmin again while the others are going and finishing up last minute things for the party. We offered to help, but they all refused to let us help. 

"Wait, is the song dropped yet?" I asked in a panic looking over at Andy who just closed his laptop with a smile. 

"It's up on Apple Music, just need someone to make the insta post while I get dressed," he said. 

"I'm on it," Charlie said picking up her phone from where she sat at the vanity doing her makeup for tonight. Few moments later she let us know it was posted and we all let out a cheer before going back to focusing on getting ready. Just as I was about to put on mascara there was a knock on the door and when we all shouted for the person to come in, Sebastian poked his head into the room. 

"Is it ok if I steal Evie for a second?" he asked and everyone just shrugged as I stood up and walked over to the door. Once in the hallway I closed the door behind me and looked up at him. 

"What's going on babe? You look a little freaked out," I said taking in his appearance. 

"Just a little bit," he mumbled. 

"What's going on?"

"When I went to take Ant back, nobody was home even though she said she would. So I tried calling her and it said her number is disconnected, and so I looked in the windows. I know that's some stalker shit, but the whole house was empty. She left, she left me to raise Anthony alone," he panicked and I could tell that he was about to have a panic attack. It wouldn't be the first that I've helped him through. 

"Babe, I need you to breath for a second," I said taking his hand and leading him into the guest room and closing the door behind us. He went to sit on the bed and I soon joined him. "Okay, where's Ant now?"

"My mom has him, right now. What am I gonna do?" he asked. "I travel for work. I can't take a baby everywhere with me," 

"You're going to lean on me and our friends. We are here to help you as well as your family. You're not gonna go through this alone, Bash," I said taking ahold of his hand and he gave me a small smile. 

"I'm sorry I'm ruining your graduation with this," he mumbled leaning into me and I frowned. 

"You're not ruining my graduation. Sure it's a blip in plans for today, but it's not ruining my day. I graduated and all my family and friends got to see me do it. The man I love got to see me walk across the stage and get my diploma, that's all that counts," I said running his back. 

"I love you," he said after a couple of minutes of us just sitting in silence. 

"I love you too. I also love Ant, so if you need me to do anything for either of you, I'm there," I firmly stated causing him to sit up and look at me. 

"But you just graduated college. You did't sign up to be a mother figure," he said and I could tell he was really worried. 

"You're right I didn't, but I did sign up to love that little guy almost as much as I love you. I signed up to do that the day I agreed to be your girlfriend. I love you both, so I mean it when I said I'd do anything," I stated.

"God, I'm so lucky to love you," he said before pulling me into a hug. 

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