10. Aggitation

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Sebastian's P.O.V

"Busy again?" Anthony asked me as we were walking to our cars. We've just had a long day of press, and usually we'd go out and have a drink to destress but lately I've been going over to Belle's place and hanging out with her. It honestly hurts me to see her so stressed and to see her doubting herself.

"Yeah, but nothing to major. Just hanging out at home and probably talking to my mom," I said with a shrug and he just rolled his eyes. I might be a good actor, but I'm a horrible liar. My face tells it all, and between Anthony and Chris they know my facial expressions the best.

"Right. Tell Mini Chris that I say hi," he responded patting me on the shoulder before climbing into his car. I laughed while unlocking my door and getting into it. Once buckled with the car on I dialed Belle's number and began to drive.

"Why hello Mr. Stan. What may I help you with?" she greeted before falling into laughter. In the background I heard music and a few other muffled voices.

"Well, I was calling to see if you wanted company tonight, but it sounds like you've already have some so I'll probably just call or text you tomorrow," I said with a smile. Lately she's been excluding herself from her friends so knowing she's with them now gives me a reason to smile.

"No, come over! They're about to leave anyways, Charlie has a date, Trev has a study group, and Andy just wants to go home and sleep," she explained to me before I heard shuffling on the other end of the phone before her giggles filled the air with a male voice in the back ground.

"Like you don't come home just to sleep," the voice, who I'm assuming is Andy, said before getting shushed by Belle.

"See you in twenty?" I asked since I wanted to go home, shower, and change into comfier clothes.

"Whatever floats your boat Stan," she said before hanging up. I shook my head and just laughed at the care free nature of the younger girl.

Christa's P.O.V

"You two have been spending a lot of time together lately," Trev pointed out once I had set my phone back down after my phone call.

"Have we?" I asked playing dumb with a slight smirk on my face. Honestly I've loved spending time with Sebastian without there being anything sexual involved. I could talk to him about things that I couldn't share with my friends and especially my siblings.

"You've got it bad my friend. I gotta go, but we'll talk about this later tonight," Charlie said coming and kissing my cheek as she picked up her clutch.

"Wouldn't expect anything less," I said before she turned and ran out the door.

"All I ask is that I'm the flower girl at your wedding. That's it," Trevor said and I rolled my eyes as he packed his books and laptop back into his backpack. The original plan for tonight was to study, but then different things in our lives popped up and now here we are.

"There's not going to be a wedding, so you don't have to worry about that," I said with a laugh and he and Andy shared a look.

"Whatever you say. Have fun tonight little mama," and with that both Trevor and Andy left the house. I still have about fifteen minutes before Sebastian was supposed to be here so I decided to take the time to take a small shower and change into one of Chris' shirts and a pair of underwear, the perks of having a big brother.

By the time I got out the shower it was only a few minutes before Sebastian would be here so I quickly dried off, got dressed, and braided my hair. Once that was all done I turned on the TV in my room and went to Netflix and turned on my laptop. I have homework due tomorrow, but I figured I could work on it while Seb is here. I mean, when he's here he's usually doing work, so it'll be fine. Just as I got into the assignment the doorbell rang and I let out a groan.

"Perfect timing Ian," I mumbled to myself as I swung my legs to the end of the bed and stood up. When I got to the front door I found him standing in front of me in sweats and a hoodie with his backpack on. "Come on in. I'm set up in my room for the night," I informed him.

"Perfect. Homework?" he asked.

"Working on it now, dad," I said in a mocking voice and he laughed before pulling me into a hug.

"Just want you to graduate so I can watch you cross that stage,"

"Well then talk to the wicked with and that may happen," I mumbled and he rolled his eyes before the two of us headed upstairs and into my room. Once inside I got settled again and back to work while Sebastian sat at the end of the bed against my food board and started going over, what I can assume are, his new lines.


"This is boring. Wanna watch The Princess and the Frog?" I asked him about thirty minutes into him being there. When other people are around me it's almost impossible for me to get any work done.

"Homework?" he asked looking up from the script.

"Can be finished before class tomorrow,"

"And that's at?"


"Fine, but once it's over you finish the assignment,"

"We'll see."


"Kidding!" I said as I moved my laptop onto my bedside table and picked up the remote. I scrolled over to The Princess and the Frog and hit play all while he put his script back into his backpack that's on the floor.

"You know I don't bite, right?" I asked noticing that he was still sitting at the end of my bed. "You can come sit next to me,"

"Harhar," he said before shifting so he was now next to me. As the movie went on we got closer to each other, and my head ended up resting on his chest with his arm around my shoulder. At one point I took a selfie of us in a new position. Once the movie was over I let out a yawn.

"Do I really have to finish the assignment now?" I asked him and he nodded his head.

"Fine, but when I don't wake up and go to class tomorrow, it's all your fault,"

"Why are you so dramatic?" he asked with a laugh as he looked down at his phone and read a text.

"Theatre is my major. That is what I'm trying to get paid for," I said slowly trailing off at the end as I watched his smile fade. "Everything ok?" I questioned.

"Just peachy," he mumbled not bothering to even fake a smile to go with his statement. For the next two hours that he was over his whole vibe was off. He was agitated the whole time and it sucked because there was nothing I could do since I had no clue what was even going on.

Sebastian's P.O.V

"What do you want?" I seethed into the phone as soon as Christa closed the door behind me. As soon as we finished watching The Princess and the Frog my ex, Yasmine, texted me saying that we needed to talk asap. My first reaction was to ignore her, but she just kept texting. My plan was to stay later and spend more time with Belle as she did her homework, but that was derailed.

"When are you free?" she asked.

"What is it, Yas? I don't have time for this," I mumbled running a hand over my face as I approached my car.

"I'm pregnant Seb," she said plainly.

"And? I'm missing the part that involves me," I said back somewhat coldly.

"Let me put the missing piece together for you. A few months ago you went out with Anthony and Chris. You called me up and boom, baby," as the words left her mouth I felt my heart drop down into my stomach. She couldn't be, not with my baby at least.

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