Chapter One

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From a very young age Lexi had loved story books, especially ones that took her to a faraway land. she spent her hours on her own, being transported to different countries and landscapes, meeting new friends along the way. Even as she grew up she never lost her love of reading and her imagination was still as vivid as ever. Now however, she re-lived those books at the theatre, living them through someone else's eyes and she loved it.

The day she received the email about a new show coming to the UK she had squealed with delight. Finding Neverland had been in the states for a few years now and was finally crossing the pond to London. So many people over the years had tried to capture the magic of Neverland, but none had yet managed to do so.

The most exciting part to this one was the musical director, the one and only Mr. Gary Barlow.

Since the age of twelve she had been in love with his voice and the music that he wrote. Even during the time, he went away, she followed his career and could tell a song he had written from a mile away and he had helped to write the music for this show.

Lexi had listened to the sound track for such a long time, that she had already envisioned how the show would look and couldn't wait to see, how this payed out against her own imagination.

The tickets were due to go on sale the following week and after discussing it with her friends, they had all agreed to go on the opening night. You just never knew who would turn up.

Running through the streets of London Lexi knew she was late. Once a year, her group of friends met for their annual afternoon tea, a tradition started years before after they first met.

Looking ahead, she could see the restaurant of choice for this year and she weaved in and out of the busy shoppers and office workers.

Reaching the doors, she checked her reflection in the glass and opened the door. She could hear them way before she saw them, the laughter leading the way to the table they had been allocated. Turning the corner, she found them settled into the back tables, pushed together to accommodate their number.

Elizabeth was the first to notice her arrival and looked up smiling "There she is" she shouted over the group " it's about time, we were going to have to start without you"

"I know I'm so sorry. My bus was late, the tube was late and then I took a wrong turn, but I'm here now" she said taking off her coat and sitting in the empty seat left for her.

Leanne passed her a glass of champagne as she pulled her chair in and Phoebe filled her cup with tea.

Looking around the table she couldn't help but smile at all her friends gathered together once more. It was never easy, they all loved so far away from each other, but there wasn't a day that went by that they didn't check on each other and make sure they were all okay.

As the food arrived they made space on the table to fit everything in and each helped themselves to sandwiches and cakes.

" I didn't realize how hungry I was until this came out " Carlotta said picking up the nearest scone. Raising up the container of cream, they laughed at the running joke that Liz would need it all for just one of hers and ordered some more for later.

"Me too" Jackie said, "I've been so busy today I've not had chance for anything so far, I barely had my tea earlier"

Just then several phones lit up, sending hands reaching across the table to open the messages received. On the screen was a picture of Gary, holding up a poster for the new show, outside the theatre it would be showing at. Lexi listened to the collection of sighs around the table and added her own to the mix. The picture was breathtaking as always, the smile on his face, showing his excitement at the show. He really did look like an excited child, when he promoted things he was really proud of.

"Hang on" Elizabeth said looking around the table" This theatre only around the corner. You don't recon he's still there do you?" She said excitedly.

"I doubt it" Jackie said looking up, "There's no way he would post that and then hang around, he would be mobbed within minutes."

"ah yes, didn't think of that" Liz said disappointed.

"Can you imagine, just bumping into him, whilst walking round London?" Phoebe asked with a dreamy look on her face.

"oh yes" said both Leanne and Lexi at the same time, setting the table laughing again.

After discussing the ticket booking in a few days' time, the finished their tea and paid the bill. Walking back towards the station the girls passed all the boutique shops and popped in a few to look at the beautiful items in the windows. Then weaved their way through the traffic, passed theatres and street performers.

As they reached Victoria they each said their goodbyes and went on to the rest of their journeys.

Lexi walked along the street until she reached the next crossing and pressed the button, waiting for the next safe time to cross over. It was a busy one today, so many cars on the roads today. Not surprising really, she thought to herself, it was ridiculously cold today. At the thought she wrapped her coat further around herself to fend off the cold air and waited for the traffic lights to change color.

As the color changed from green to red Lexi saw the cars stop and the crossing sign started to count down the seconds left to cross. As she walked across the road, she had a feeling of being watched and dismissed it instantly, it was London, everyone was looking at everyone else. But she still felt the feeling continue as she made her way to the station.

Taking her seat on her bus she looked out at the night sky. Snow had been threatening to fall all day but now there didn't look like there was a cloud in the sky.

Turning on the overhead light, Lexi settled in to read her new book on her long journey home.

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