Chapter Eight

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How had the time gone so fast? Gary wondered as he stood in the theatre looking across at the stage. It felt like only five minutes ago, he had first walked in here bringing the dream, that had first come to life in the states to his beloved west end.

Turning around he took a picture and posted it to his social media sites with one line.

'it's nearly time.... Neverland'

Walking back to the stage he listened as they sang the last two songs of the show, then he packed up his things, thanked the cast and headed for his car. his next stop was the Ballroom to check how everything was going.

As his car pulled away through the streets he looked out of the window at all the shoppers, rushing from store to store. Each one weighted down with bags. just as they turned onto Oxford street Gary looked across the street at the people scurrying across the road.

There she was again with a friend. Her nose and cheeks had a pink hue from the cold, it was definitly her, tucking her scarf closer to her neck. He put his hand on the door handle ready to jump out of the car, just as the traffic lights changed and she vanished from view again.

Damn it, maybe he should just come to terms with the fact that this was going to happen every time. It was like she was just out of reach.

As they sped through the streets, he looked out the window wondering who she was.

As they pulled in at the back of the building, he jumped out of the car and quickly walked through the door opened for him. Backstage he could feel an air of excitement as people moved at speed with tables and chairs. New cables were being laid for the lighting and special effects he had chosen.

Walking towards him was event manager who beamed as he made his way across to him. Shaking the extended hand, Gary smiled.

"how's it going?" he asked walking towards the main doors.

"Its going great. It looks amazing, I hope you will be happy with it" He said opening the doors.

Gary walked through and smiled, it took over his whole face at the transformation the room was under going.

Large tables were set up around the room and the special effects were being placed as requested. Looking at the back drop on the stage, he couldn't help but stand in awe of its beauty. It really was striking.

The talked over the logistics of the event and he headed back to the car, to make his way home. The journey felt like it took a lifetime and finally they pulled into the drive.

Walking to the house Gary took out his key and placed it in the lock. Turning the key he opened the door and felt defend by the silence. Hugo came flying through the house and Gary turned shouting back to Steve his driver. "fancy a drink mate?"

"yeah id love one. Just the one mind you, Claire will not be impressed if I'm out too late, I missed date night last week" he laughed following him through the door.

Gary walked through the long corridor past the cloak room and study and entered his kitchen. Years of great thought had gone into this place, his little hideaway from the world. So many items and gadgets he had picked up along his travels, were hung up, or placed carefully into cupboards.

He loved cooking more than anything. He often invited round the cast and crew on the projects he was working on. It was always a great night, but then the inevitable happened, they went home to their own lives and families, leaving him alone in the big old house.

Over the years he had enjoyed his peace and quiet and had been on the odd date. Each time it felt like something was missing, they were never the one. There was always physical attraction, but they didn't inspire him and conversations bored him after a while.

He thought back to girl he said seen twice now. He was definitly attracted to her, she was what he called a natural beauty, she didn't need make up to set her out of the crowd. The next time he saw her, he was definitely getting out the car, even if Steve had to stop in the middle of the road. He had dreamt about her again this week and each time it killed him a little more.

Taking down two glasses from the shelf, Gary poured his favorite red into each and passed one to Steve. Reaching into the fridge he pulled out a selection of leftovers and placed them on the breakfast bar. He added a plate for them each and they both sat down and started to fill their plates with the food.

An hour later glass empty, Steve stood and reached for his coat. Placing it around his shoulders he turned to Gary and said " that was great thanks mate. Do you need me tomorrow for anything other than getting to the venue?"

"no that's great thanks Steve. Tell Claire I look forward to seeing her tomorrow night" He said as Steve walked towards his car. As he pulled away he closed the door and once again listened to the silence.

He took his phone from his pocket and dialed the first number on his favorites list. Seconds later the call was answered.

"Hi Mark, you got a sec? I just wanted to quickly run a couple of lyrics by you" He said walking towards his studio.

"Absolutely mate, let me head to my studio and put you on speaker" Mark replied walking through his house and into the garden.

Gary picked up his new lyrics book and waited for Mark.

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