Chapter Two

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Gary stood inside the foyer of the theatre and looked at the posters lining the walls. With a rush of pride, he made his way to the main door leading into the theatre itself. He had spent months in this very place, picking the actors and actresses for the show and spending time starting the rehearsals.

Opening the doors, he could hear the familiar tune of the opening song, the cast in their places ready to start another long day of rehearsals. He took a seat at the back in the darkness to avoid being seen. he found this always worked well, as he got to see how things were progressing when he wasn't seen.

On the stage they were moving around the scene just as they should, everything so far was good. Few tuning issues on the piano that needed fixing and a few problems with the harmonizing that needed to be tightened.

He heard footsteps walking down the aisle and looked up to find the theatre manager, making his way over to him. Smiling, Gary shook his hand and signaled for him to take a seat.

"Good Morning Mr. Barlow, nice to see you again" he said releasing his hand.

"Nice to see you again James" he replied turning his attention back to the stage. "Going well isn't it?" He asked turning his head

"Yes, it's going really well. I've heard a few notes have been taken for you and are waiting with the producer back stage"

"great" Gary said standing up, "I better get back there then. I've got a busy day today, so I can't stay too long. Before we do that though, have you got two seconds to take a quick picture? can you grab one of the posters? might as well do some promoting whilst I'm here"

"Absolutely" James said following him. "I'll just grab that now for you"

waiting in the reception area he looked round again. a few of the staff in that day, were milling around. There were the usual nervous few who ran away as he came in and the more excitable ones waiting for an opportunity for a picture. He always made time for them, the ones doing the extra hard work making the place ready for the audience that would shortly follow.

As James walked back with the requested poster, they quickly ran outside to take a picture to send out on social media. Making sure the coast was clear, two clicks and then back inside. thanking him Gary made his way back stage, to go through the list of adjustments.

An hour later he made his way back to the waiting car and slid into his seat behind the dark glass. opening his phone, he posted the picture on several sites with a few words and headed off to his next appointment. This was going to be great he could feel it already.

Meeting done, they headed back through the streets of London, taking diversions where necessary to get out as quick as possible. As the car slowed to a stop at the traffic lights, he looked across the road at the people waiting to cross. He loved people watching from the car, free to look around without anyone being able to see him. in the car he could relax.

Just as he went to look away, his eyes were drawn to a figure standing at the side of the road. Pulling her coat around her to save her from the cold, she started to walk across the road. He found he was unable to take his eyes off her. He couldn't put his finger on it, it was like he had seen her somewhere before and they she vanished out of his view. This happened, years of travelling he always felt like he had met everyone before. Sighing he craned his neck to see where she had gone, but couldn't see her.

As the car pulled away, he caught sight of her again walking up the street. She turned to look over her shoulder as if she could feel his stare and then again, she was gone.

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