Chapter eighteen

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Looking out of the window the next morning, Lexi looked at the dark sky. grabbing her umbrella, she picked up her suitcase and headed out the door.

Work was busy but Lexi kept an eye on the time ready to leave as soon as lunchtime hit. Feeling her phone vibrate in her bag as she turned off her computer she reached down and searched in her bag to find it. Looking at the screen she saw it was Gary. Diving into a conference room she went to answer but the call cut out. Sighing she headed back to her desk to grab her things, she decided to call him on her way to the station.

Heading down the stairs she saw her phone ring again with a voice mail. Stopping at the bottom of the stairs she played the message and nearly dropped her phone. looking through the glass of the door she could see him stood by the side of his car, currently talking to the owner of the company. Opening the door, he looked up and smiled. Lexi composed herself and walked over in their direction.

Excusing himself, Gary walked over and hugged her. taking her suitcase in one hand and her hand in the other he walked them back to the car. As she neared it her boss looked at her and winked "Kept that quiet Lexi" he said smiling. He had known of her love of the band ever since she started working for him.

Putting her suitcase in the car, Gary walked around to the passenger side and opened the door for her. taking off her coat she passed it to him and he placed it on the back seat, closing her door after. he walked around the car and got in next to her, she was shocked that he had driven himself and not brought his driver. her face must have shown her shock as he looked at her and laughed. "I do drive myself now and again" he said laughing.

"How did you know where I worked" Lexi said confused. she certainly hadn't told him her works address, but he had obtained the information from somewhere.

"I spoke to Mark yesterday and I said you were coming down. I said I'd like to surprise you and he asked Liz for your work address and here I am" he said with a sly grin

"well I'm definitely surprised. I can't believe you drive all this way, only to drive back again" she said as he started the car.

By the time they were ready to leave, word had made it round the office and a few people had gathered outside to see him. Gently pulling out of the car park he waved to them before turning onto the main road. Work was going to be interesting on Monday.

Heading onto the motorway he asked about her week and asked her more questions about herself. The conversation was easy, not forced or awkward and Lexi felt herself relax. Now and again she felt his eyes on her and when she looked back he had his eyes back on the road and a smile on his lips.

deciding to put some music on he got Lexi to link her phone to the car and told her to hit shuffle on her music library. Music was a real test of who a person was and it was a little game he liked to play when new people were in his car.

Lexi laughed and synced her phone. laughing she looked at him and said " I warn you, this could be awful" and hit shuffle. The first song started, luckily it was a solo song of Marks and not an embarrassment. The second and third songs were okay to, everything was going fine until that fourth song. Cliff Richard started to sing wired for sound and she wanted the earth to open up and swallow her whole. Laughing Gary looked at her and said "very interesting. didn't take you for a cliff Richards fan"

For the next hour they laughed at the songs playing and then switched it over to his phone and did the same. Luckily there were a few bad songs on his too and she took her turn at watching his embarrassment.

before she knew it they were hitting the outskirts of London. It was rush hour and wall to wall traffic. Pulling off at an available moment he turned to Lexi and said "do you mind if we head to mine first before your hotel? I have a few things I need to finish off before we go out later and it will be easier for me to drop you off then?"

"of course, if you have things to do" she said suddenly nervous. she was going to be in his house, surrounded by his life, the things he kept out of the spot light and she was going to be a part of it, even if for only a little while.

Driving through winding roads he drove slow at each bend in the road, knowing the streets like the back of his hand. excitement filled him at her agreement to spend him in his home before heading to her hotel. Since he had picked her up, it felt like he had known her forever. the conversation flowed freely and they were so relaxed in each other's company. he had to stop himself from reaching across and taking her hand as he drove.

Reaching the house, he pressed a button in the car and as he turned the corner he could see the main doors opening allowing him entry to his driveway. He looked at Lexi to gage her response, but wasn't able to read her expression. He pulled up outside the front door and parked the car.

Getting out of the car he walked around and opened the door for her. From inside the house she could hear a dog barking and it made her suddenly smile. She had seen may pictures of his dog and he looked so tiny and cute. she just hoped he liked her.

Gary walked to the front door and opened it, stepping to one side for her to step through. Walking into the foyee she stopped just as a small black dog came running down the corridor. As soon as it saw her it stopped, crouching on the floor she waited for him to be brave enough to come over. slowly he had his way over and sniffed her hand. Seconds later he was wagging his tail and rubbing his head against her hand demanding attention.

Looking up she saw gary smiling and he took bent down to stroke the dog. "he doesnt always take to everyone so fast, he must really like you" he said standing up and helping her to her feet.

"can i get you a drink?" he said walking through to the kitchen and opening the fridge.

"just water for the moment please" she said watching him take out a jug and filling two glasses. He walked over and placed one in front of her and took a seat at the breakfast bar. Pulling up a seat she sat down and looked around the room. It was a beautiful kitchen and she could see little gadgets on the side boards and hung on little pegs. she wondered how many of them he actually used.

"Do you manage to cook often?" she asked turning back to him

"Not as much as I would like. I've spent far too much time eating on the road recently, so I feel like I've hardly seen my own kitchen. If I could cook every night I possibly would" he said with a sad expression on his face.

" I love to cook too. unfortunately, its mainly things I shouldn't eat, but I do love it" she said looking around the room again.

"I have a few calls to make, would you like to have a look around the house, or join me in the office?" he said stepping off his stool.

"that's up to you, I wouldn't want to be in the way if you have work to do" she said stepping down off her own stool

"This way then" he said walking down another corridor towards his office. opening the door, he stepped through and Lexi followed him. he could hear Hugo's tiny feet clattering against the wooden floor as he chased after them. seconds later he came into the room and headed straight for Lexi. as she took a seat on the sofa by the window, he jumped up on the sofa and made to settle on her lap.

"I'm sorry about him "Gary said smiling watching Hugo curl up on her lap

"don't be" she said " I love dogs" She reached in her bag and lifted out a book, setting beside her on the seat beside her.

Picking up the phone he dialed a number and Lexi looked back into the garden. the sky had darkened again, but this time it didn't look like it was going to rain, snow was threatening to fall.

As he watched her staring across the grounds he had to concentrate on his call. just watching her sat on his sofa in his house, he couldn't help but think this was right, this was how they were supposed to be. It was a stupid thought he had known her for less than a week, yet she had a hold on him already.

the light had faded outside and the lights had come on in the garden lighting up the pathways that he had had been dug into the soil. Lexi had turned on a few lamps in the room as the light had dimmed in the room, to allow her to read some more whilst he sorted out the final details for the next day . the calls had taken longer than he thought and yet she had not complained once.

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